Kidfic Alphabet Soup to go live next week...

Nov 23, 2016 09:46

...Except that we still are missing authors for multiple letters.

Kidfic was voted as one of the most popular options, so I'm hoping there are a few authors out there willing to take a letter and write at least 100 words of gen fic that are somehow related to kids. This can be canon children (like Cassie or Charlie), pre-series stories featuring a character as a child, someone interacting with an original character who is a child, or "downsizing" fic. All those qualify, so if you're interested, please comment at either LJ or DW and get a letter.

I've already received two submissions; one is classic downsizing, and the other is pre-series. I'm looking forward to lots of variety!

If you're already writing a Soup fic and you're interested in second helpings, you can comment and get a second letter, too.

Here's to more gen fic, in any flavor. :)

alphabet soup

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