Quarterly review

Dec 31, 2014 22:16

Three months at a time. Mostly quiet ones, but that's no excuse!

Friendship Alphabet Soup for SG-1 Gen Fic Day took place in November and was a JOY. I wrote a story for that, then squeezed in one last fic for the calendar year:

R is for Rapport. Meditation isn't kel no reem, but it serves a purpose just the same. Teal'c and Daniel friendship, with references to Crossroads, Meridian, Revelations, and Changeling. ~1,410 words. PG.

Fifty Credits on the Wookiee. When Jack introduces Teal'c to Star Wars, he never imagines how obsessed his friend will become. Set immediately after 1969 with a few vague spoilers. ~1,400 words. Rated G.

On to the recs! You all know the drill by now: they were recced at stargateficrec and archived at figs_sg1_rec. The Master List of Fic Recs is current through September.

I Know You Are But What Am I? by Busaikko (clone!Jack, Hammond)

Entangled, by Martha (G) (Jack and Daniel AU)

A Time for Change, by Traycer (G) (Jack)

The Trouble With..., by Zorb (PG-13) (Sam, team)

It's Not The End Of The World, But You Can See It From There, by Fridayschild (PG) (team)

Night Terrors, by Thothmes (PG) (Jack, Janet)

O is for Orange, by Jane Davitt (PG-13) (Teal'c)

Dangerous Men, by Lokei (PG) (Jack, Daniel)

What Fate Daniel Jackson, by JD Junkie (PG) (Jack, Daniel)

B is for Battle Ready, by Wonderland (G) (Catherine Langford, Janet)

When I've Got Nothing on but the Radio, by Splash the Cat (PG) (Sam, Vala)

Y is for Yearling, by Magistrate (G) (Sha'uri, Skaara)

~insert usual encouragment to sign up to rec at
stargateficrec here~

I'll be back tomorrow with the year in review. Expect cringing. :)

monthly review

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