Alphabet Soup update

Nov 05, 2014 12:54

We've got most of our letters, but there are still a few left. I know of at least one author who is in the final beta stages with her fic. We'll see how it goes in the next few hours.

I'll have the round-up for the rest of SG-1 Gen Fic Day posted shortly.

In other news, yesterday was so insanely distracting that not only did I fail to post various links and recs, I never got around to posting my own Soup fic. ::headdesks:: Expect that entry momentarily, and I will abuse admin privileges to add my recs and links to the roundup. :)

If you are a Soup author who has not yet posted - or if you posted your Soup fic on your journal, but forgot to send it to me and/or post a link to the Gen Fic Day entry - please get in touch with me immediately. Thanks.

alphabet soup

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