April: fandom, fic, rec

Apr 30, 2014 18:52

Pesach means this was a pretty quiet fannish month for me, but still...

Fandom! We are having another SG-1 Gen Fic Day next month, whee! And Episode Alphabet Soup. I hope I will FINALLY write the story I've been trying to write for nearly five years. No, it's not long, just difficult to get the beats right. The timing is absolutely perfect, too. Here's hoping.

Fic: another bingo prompt, that started as one thing and turned into something else entirely! :) Quarantine, which includes a bit of my own personal canon for SGC's effort to contain potential alien incursions and a tiny bit of exploration of Jack's headspace. No spoilers, any season, 1,100 words, rated G.

Recs: only five this month (see top of entry). I mostly cheated :) and shamelessly recced a few - only a few of them, mind you! - of my favorite stories from our last Alphabet Soup. You all know the drill by now: they were recced at stargateficrec and archived at figs_sg1_rec. The Master List of Fic Recs is still current only through January, I'm afraid.

U is for Unheimlich, by Magistrate (PG) - Hammond, Walter, team, ghost stories!

L is for Lockdown, by Jb (PG) - Janet, SGC competence

G is for Godparent, by Stringertheory (PG) - Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c

M is for You Must Remember This, by Ivorygates (PG) - Jack

Five alternate universes..., by Vain_glorious - AU angst

~insert usual encouragment to sign up to rec at stargateficrec here~

sg-1 fic recs, monthly review

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