January: fandom, fic, recs

Jan 30, 2013 10:17

A new calendar year, a dwindling but still active fandom... ::squishes SG-1::

We'll be having Gen Fic Day on the 18th of February, complete with Allies Alphabet Soup. I do like these composite Soups; the wider theme offers such a wide range of options. And I'm happy to see that we're still getting new authors volunteering.

Speaking of volunteers, hint hint: we're still one author short for the Soup. The letter G is still unclaimed. I do have a backup author (much thanks, 11am_street!) but it's been five years since we didn't have 26 separate writers for all 26 letters, and I'd hate to ruin our record now. If anyone out there would like to write 100 words or more of gen fic about one of the SGC's canon allies, please comment at this entry.

Edit: And G has now been claimed! Is this fandom great or what? :)

In fic, I wrote another Sha'uri piece: Crossing the Line. It's an expanded scene from Stargate: the Movie, in which Sha'uri is determined to spark rebellion against Ra. Just over 1,200 words, and rated PG.

I recced eight fics this month and incidentally brought my total rec count up to eight-hundred fifty.

Good grief, people! :D

As per usual, it's a pretty random bunch this month. You all know the drill by now: they were recced at stargateficrec and archived at figs_sg1_rec. The Master List of Fic Recs is up-to-date.

Too Cool for School, by Thothmes (G) (pre-series team)

Insubordination, by Nanda (G) (Sam and Jack friendship)

Team's Night Out, by Suzannemarie (G) (earlyish team friendship)

The Infinite, by Dira Sudis (PG) (Jack and Daniel friendship)

A Picture's Worth..., by Aurora Novarum (G) (S8 team, Reynolds, General!Jack)

Entirely Possible, by Unadrift (PG) (Discworld crossover)

P is for Progression, by Lokei (PG) (Robert Rothman, plus Daniel)

Culture Clash, by Jb (PG-13) (very early team drama off-world)

Sadly, I must confess that I have continued to neglect
sg1genrecs. I don't want to abandon it; while I would never suggest that DW is hostile to SG-1 gen fic, you do find much less gen fic over there (with the exception of cross-posting). Let's hope I can nudge it back into active mode sometime soon.

~insert usual encouragement to sign up to rec at stargateficrec here~

Only one volunteer has signed up so far. ::pokes fandom:: Let's see some reccing, shall we? :)

sg-1 fic recs, monthly review

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