SG-1 Gen Fic Day roundup

Oct 16, 2012 19:44

Here's the roundup for SG-1 Gen Fic Day of October 2012!

New fic:

Luck of the Draw, by sg_wonderland. A view of SG-1 from a different perspective.

Picking Up the Pieces, by stringertheory. Sarah Gardener is coming back to herself, slowly but surely.

Games People Play, by Traycer. A surefire cure for boredom is to play some games. Too bad no one else wants to cooperate. Missing scene from Urgo.

Regarding SGC Alphabet Soup: We've had lots of fantastic entries, but we're still missing two letters. One author already has her story beta'd; the other informed me of a slight delay and will hopefully post soon. I'll post the complete anthology as soon as we've assembled our entire alphabet's worth.

We had a few links to older fic:

Two by mrspollifax: Once and Future. This is relatively recent, a tiny Satterfield and Hailey ficlet. Teen.

Five Promotions Paul Davis Never Got. This is not recent, but Paul Davis does not get enough love!

One by me. :) Just a Little Trouble. When Daniel and Bill Lee accidentally trigger some Goa'uld technology, it'll take a little effort to get back to normal.

And then there are the recs. Lots and lots of these, all with a focus on secondary SGC personnel. All recs are presented here unedited.

The One With All The Answers by a_loquita. Walter Harriman gets asked a lot of questions. All ages.

Giant Plant-like Thing in the Night by ziparumpazoo. Bill Lee has a little PTSD following Zero Hour. All ages.

Look to the Heavens and Number the Stars, and The Silent Language of the Star by Minervacat. My all-time favorite OC: the librarian of the SGC. Just gorgeous.

In the Shadow of Giants, by Stringertheory. Fabulous look at some of the other SG teams, with courage and strength and unsung heroism.

Five People (or Beings) Who Inhabit the SGC by Holdouttrout is adorable and charming and makes you want MORE.

Redbyrd's Endeavor series. The astronauts who rescue Bra'tac and SG-1 in The Serpent's Lair aren't content just to follow orders and forget. Leads so beautifully into Message in a Bottle that it'll become your personal canon.

Learning Curve... Tilt? by Lokei is sheer GLEE as some new recruits to the SGC learn the hard way about Dr. Daniel Jackson.

The Interview by SG_Betty is another great OC perspective on Daniel.

The Only Winning Move by Synecdochis is YAY FOR COMPETENT SGC, including SG-1. A classic and deservedly so!

Routine Mission by Maya. Gleeful SG-13 for the win! Dave Dixon and his merry band, hiding out from dinosaurs - and utterly unfazed, because hey, this kind of insanity is routine.

Five reasons the SGC needs Siler's giant wrench, by Splash. From fix-its to giant aliens with teeth to baseball games to hallucinating colonels trying to take over the base... Siler's wrench is one of the most important tools at the SGC. :)

The Parting Glass, by Redbyrd. Daniel-centric, but also a tribute to all the minor characters that have been lost through S4, especially Robert Rothman.

Another Redbyrd fic: OMG, They Killed Science! Bill Lee and Sam, pretty much tongue-in-cheek, tackling the not!science of Red Sky.

Just a Scientist, by Aurora. Bill's POV of the events of Evolution.

Five Things Bill Lee Learned About Daniel While They Were In Honduras, by Thothmes. What it says on the tin.

More Bill fic, which has already been linked but deserves it twice. :) Giant Plant-like Thing in the Night, by Ziparumpazoo. Bill in the wake of Zero Hour, more than a little nervous about plantlife.

Sound by Cyren is a fabulous look at MacKenzie and Jonas Quinn.

Another excellent MacKenzie piece is Wonderland's Remnant, in which he and Daniel have an intelligent, adult conversation post-Legacy.

Everything is a Transition by Neovenus is a wonderful exploration of Satterfield's time at the SGC, post Proving Ground. Nyan is a great bonus.

Clear As Crystal (If you’re Daniel, which we’re not) by Lokei is a fun missing scene of Robert Rothman and Nyan trying to figure out the crystal skull, with some not-entirely quiet commentary from an out-of-phase Daniel.

More Nyan fic: Breaking New Ground by Redbyrd, which is Nyan's POV of New Ground, including leading up to the ep and its immediate aftermath.

There's a BList in My Closet by Christi is a much crackier explanation of what happened to Nyan -- and other minor characters, too. Pairings are implied, not very seriously. :)

Five Promotions Paul Davis Never Got by Mrs Pollifax is another one that's been linked but deserves another mention. I love #4 the most.

Evening the Odds by Cleo is Reynolds fic! A look at his time at the SGC over the years, from S2 through Vis Uban.

The Downstairs Neighbors by Wonderland is a fun glimpse of what NORAD imagines the SGC gets up to.

Five things Walter Harriman keeps in his sock drawer, by Soapboxsolo. Sweet and thoughtful.

Insider Info, by Pepper. Slightly cracky fic with Walter and Jonas.

The One With All the Answers - already linked, but deserving a second glimpse. :) Walter knows everything.

Not Today, by Nymaeria. A missing scene from Within the Serpent's Grasp that explains how SG-1 managed to get out of the SGC so smoothly. Go Walter!

When Your Job Description (You Announce Chevrons!) Is a Total Lie, by Madelyn. This fic made me laugh and laugh and laugh. Walter goes shopping for Atlantis, with a little help from Teal'c. Part of a long and detailed AU but reads perfectly well as a standalone.

Many, many thanks to all those of you who participated! Long may SGC's flag wave (when it's not wrapped around Daniel) (this is GEN, people, stop snickering). ;)

gen fic day

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