Teamy goodness! Whee! Sign-up time!

Aug 09, 2007 18:19

The only reason I haven't already leapt frantically at my keyboard to sign up for the
sg1teamficathon us that I just got back and I want some time to choose what will hopefully be a good prompt. :)

Even if you're signed up already for umpteen ficathons, don't miss this one. The first round produced astonishingly good gems, and I think I've recced over half of them at one point or another. (Like this one. And this one. And this one. And this one, and this one, and this one, and this one, and this and this...) This is your chance to celebrate classic SG-1 - Jack and Daniel and Sam and Teal'c - and fall in love with the team all over again!

stargate sg-1 fandom

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