May: recs and fandom

May 31, 2012 19:49

This is the first month since... I don't know when that I haven't written any fic at all. Well, that's not quite true. I did stumble on 200 words of post-Threads Jack and Daniel friendship fic that I wrote ages ago and was probably supposed to be light and fluffy. When I opened the file and tried to continue it, my brain tried to take it in an angsty direction instead. Hopefully, it shall be complete by SG-1 Gen Fic Day (did you see how neatly I segued there?) at the end of June.

So, yes! We are having SG-1 Gen Fic Day on June 24th, and I'm very excited that we've got a full complement of authors (including some new ones, yay!) for our Bra'tac (and Jaffa) Alphabet Soup. ALL gen fic relating to SG-1 will be eagerly welcomed, no matter when the era or the genre, so I hope we'll get plenty of new fic besides the Alphabet Soup!

Hey, a Benevolent Dictatrix can dream, right?

Onto the recs! You all know the drill by now: All the fics were recced at stargateficrec and archived at figs_sg1_rec. The SG-1 Rec Master List is still amazingly current. I will be reccing my 900th story some time next month, whew!

Since I am no longer reccing specific categories, these are all over the place, but I made an effort to vary the characters and eras. I've identified the main characters involved of each story next to the link.

The Downstairs Neighbors, by Wonderland (G) (OCs at NORAD)

The woman who circumnavigated the universe in a ship of her own making, by Ardvari (PG) (Sam)

Alchemy, by Melannen (G) (Daniel)

Three People, Two People, by Iawenbemerry (PG) (Cam)

In a Mother's Eyes, by Thothmes (G) (pre-series team and their moms)

The Tactical Advantage of Insulting One's Enemies, by Stringertheory (PG) (Jack and Teal'c)

Twelve Down, by Holdouttrout (G) (Sam and Jack)

Compliance, by Magickmoons (PG-13) (team)

In the Cards, by Eponymous Rose (G) (team)

If you are interested in reccing at stargateficrec, the volunteer post should be up on the comm in the next day or so.

In other reccing news,
sg1genrecs is currently running a theme of Vala recs. We've had four recs so far (technically 29, actually; one was Vala Alpahbet Soup), and more are always welcome! Wander over there, check out the recs, and do some gen reccing of your own. :)

sg-1 fic recs, monthly review

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