Two months of fandom, fics, recs

Nov 01, 2011 18:51

It's been a quiet two months here in Figland -- mostly due to Tishrei, really -- so I don't even need to bother with a cut except for the recs!

In fandom, redial_the_gate is nearly halfway through Season 10. It's been a wonderful ride so far, and if you haven't stepped through the Gate with us yet, feel free to join us!

The sg1friendathon, which boasted over 35 gen friendship fics in August, had a Ficathon Frenzy in the first week of September. You can find links to all 13 of those here.

I posted two fics in September:

Your Regularly Scheduled Programming. Sam and Teal'c are used to being the adults on SG-1, complete with background The Jack and Daniel Show. Rated G.

Five Crossovers That Didn't Happen to SG-1. Five crossovers that didn't happen to SG-1 because they traveled in time to 1969 instead of some other era in Earth's past (or future). The crossovers aren't labeled, because it's more fun to guess :) but they've all been identified in the comments! Rated PG.

Now for the recs!

You all know the drill be now: All the fics were recced at stargateficrec and archived at figs_sg1_rec. The Master List of SG-1 fic recs is current through September; the newer fics are listed below.


Water, by SG Betty (PG)

Child, Choice, and Crocodiles, by Magistrate (PG)

Gift from the Gods, by Rachel500 (PG-13)

Safe, by Caprice (PG-13)

And until I get a chance to rec Five Lies Sha're Told properly, I will point you to my gleeful rec of it on my own journal. :)

Sam and Daniel friendship

Diplomacy, by Zorb (G)

Leap of Faith, by Yvi (PG)

Welcome to the Universe, Doctor Jackson, by Ultranos and Abyssis (G)

The Walls We Build Between Us, by Fridayschild (PG)

Five things

Gone, by GateGremlyn (G)

Five Badfic Universes, by Niamaea (PG)

Misfortune of the Irish, by Lilyleia (PG)

Fathers and Brothers, by Rachel500 (PG-13)

Places on Earth, by Iawenbemerry (PG)

::insert regular encouragement to sign up to rec here::

In other gen reccing news,
sg1genrecs has been running an open theme for the last month or so. High time I introduced a new theme. Any suggestions? :)

sg-1 fic recs, monthly review

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