Five Crossovers That Didn't Happen to SG-1

Sep 21, 2011 23:44

Author's note: I'm not sure where this one came from, but here are five crossovers, based on the premise that the team traveled to some other era when the solar flare sent them through time in 1969. I haven't identified the fandoms because I thought it would be more fun for you all to try and guess ( Read more... )

my sg-1 fic

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Comments 41

penknife September 21 2011, 22:24:54 UTC
Hee! I can get three of these, but I'm going to go for the 1875 one, because it's the one that charms me most: the Little House books.


sg_fignewton September 21 2011, 22:30:24 UTC
Ha, yes! That's Pa, going home to Plum Creek. :D I hesitated a bit at historical fiction vs. real fiction but then figured, hey, why not?

So. Ficlet prompt? :)


katie_m September 21 2011, 22:35:27 UTC
The only one I can't get is #4 (I have a guess, but I'm not sure). I'll officially go for #1, though: The Lord of the Rings. I have a vague memory that Kalimac is Merry, though I'm not sure.


sg_fignewton September 21 2011, 22:42:54 UTC
Yep! :) Kalimac is Merry in the non-Anglicized Westron. I had the most fun with that one, I must admit.



katie_m September 25 2011, 01:18:53 UTC
Hmm. How about this: an offworld county fair.


sg_fignewton October 25 2011, 17:00:40 UTC
"How am I supposed to tell which ones are in the costumes and which ones are in their regular clothes?" Jack complained.

Daniel had to admit -- but only to himself -- that Jack probably has a point. To their untutored eyes, the flamboyant everyday dress of the natives of P3X-406 were nearly identical to the extravagant costumes of the performers. But it was more fun to pretend otherwise.

"It's the hats," he explained loftily. "Those purple brims are at least an inch wider than the regular ones, see?"

Jack glared at his expression, including that falsely sweet smile that couldn't hide Daniel's snark from those that knew him best. "I could jam one over your boonie," Jack suggested, his own smile equally poisonous. "I'm sure that could help me tell the difference."


cyren_2132 September 21 2011, 22:39:35 UTC
1983: Quantum Leap!


sg_fignewton September 21 2011, 22:43:23 UTC
Yay for appropriate icon!

(Wow, you people are quick.)

Prompt? :)


cyren_2132 September 21 2011, 22:49:46 UTC
Well, now you've got me in a QL frame of mind, so I'd like to see a continuation of this, with the gang meeting Al. (Oh, how I love Al. He's one of my favorite characters ever, and I'm not even sure why...)


sg_fignewton September 22 2011, 15:51:59 UTC
Sam saluted smartly and tried not to gawk at the man with the spotless dress whites and the grumpy expression. This was Admiral Calavicci! Navy vs. Air Force gibes aside, she couldn't help but admire a man who had survived the jungles of Vietnam and floated free in the depths of space. Knowing that he was deeply involved in the top-secret Project Quantum Leap, still heavily classified in her time, only increased her regard ( ... )


aim2misbhave September 21 2011, 22:47:06 UTC
#4 is Star Trek, I'm sure, with Spock's mom - although, to be honest, the stardate is what gave it away for me.

But I'm having trouble with #3 and #5. #3 is something I should know, I was all about the space program when I was younger, and #5 is vaguely familiar...


sg_fignewton September 22 2011, 05:31:11 UTC
Yeah, that one was probably the most vague -- have it Star Trek, but on Earth, and I liked the idea of using secondary characters rather than main ones. I'm glad you got it. You might say she continued her interest in offworlders. ;)



aim2misbhave September 23 2011, 03:37:02 UTC
Hmmm, prompt... what about something where Vala has discovered trashy and/or reality TV?


sg_fignewton September 23 2011, 05:13:55 UTC
::grins:: I've never watched either kind, but I'll see what I can do. It'll have to wait until I get back online, though!


izhilzha September 22 2011, 00:01:33 UTC
I can't believe no one's gotten #5 yet. :)

That's the Vorkosigan Saga, and nicely done! That's a crossover I haven't ever seen.


sg_fignewton September 22 2011, 05:36:02 UTC
::grins:: I joked about a Vorkosigan crossover a while back, and someone actually gave me a Gregor-Jack prompt. That hasn't happened (yet), but I have a very soft spot for adult!Ivan. (Younger Ivan would have me gritting my teeth and probably cheering Elena on, if I had that kind of mind.) So yeah, that one was fun. :)



Prompt! izhilzha September 22 2011, 19:06:33 UTC
Aw, yes, I like grown-up Ivan too.

Hmm. How about...

Something more along these lines, but with one or more of the team interacting with Miles? Either as Vorkosigan, or as the Little Admiral, whichever grabs your fancy more.


Teal'c and Miles sg_fignewton September 22 2011, 19:34:22 UTC
Teal'c tucked his hands neatly behind his back and regarded the little man who seemed to dominate the room with the sheer force of his personality.

Even after spending nearly two years with the Tau'ri, he found it difficult to ignore his traditional Jaffa thinking. It was a challenge to accept anyone with even a small physical handicap as a person worthy of life, much less someone to respect. He'd learned to ignore Daniel Jackson's poor eyesight, O'Neill's difficulty with his knees, Captain Carter's relative frailty. But this was beyond anything he'd imagined.

He'd introduced himself as Admiral Naismith: a tiny man, his spine twisted, his neck somehow askew. His head, large and well-shaped, perched on a small and misshapen body. On Chulak, such changelings would have been killed on the birthing stool; yet it was clear that this man had power. The spotless white and grey uniform was subdued, yet the little Admiral wore it with greater flair and projected more mastery of will than Apophis at his most grandiose and gaudy ( ... )


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