Fic signal boost, and a request

Aug 29, 2011 00:58

I do not have the words to describe how happy I've been with the success of this year's sg1friendathon. Years into a closed canon, and we've had over 35 gen friendship fics posted throughout the month! SG-1 fandom, I salute you. :)

Now, my fic has been sitting quietly on my journal since July 31. Originally, Suzannemarie and I planned to insert our fics into the queue according to the same first-come, first-served as everyone else, but after some discussion, we decided that the mods should go last. So today, four weeks after I private-locked the entry and more or less forgot about it, I went back to unlock my story.

And then I remembered -- oh, yeah. I was going to get it betaed.

Oops, that. :)

I admit that I don't get a beta for every single story I write. But when the characters take over the story as emphatically as Daniel (and Teal'c, and a certain Leader) did in this fic, I do feel the need for a beta reader.

In this case, I simply forgot. And it seemed unfair to delay posting for the day or three it would take to find a beta, have it vetted, and then fix any mistakes. So I posted it as is.

You can find it here: Canis Major. It was supposed to be a light-hearted piece, and hopefully parts of it still are, but Daniel would insist on adding some angst into the mix, sigh.

Here's my request: while I always welcome constructive criticism (the old teacher in me has trouble with the word "concrit," I'm afraid), in this case I am particularly asking for it. I'll gladly take any pointers towards typos and grammatical errors, and happily debate characterization -- including Leader and his friends. :)

In any case, I hope you all enjoy the fic.

friendship ficathon, my sg-1 fic

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