June: fandom, fic, recs

Jun 30, 2011 17:06

Here's the monthly update of the Fig Newton corner of SG-1 fandom:

I am so happy about the enthusiastic response we've seen for the sg1friendathon. We've already got three stories waiting in the queue with a month to go before the deadline, and people are still signing up! Gen fic always lags a bit behind the ship stuff; seeing all those people claiming prompts in a closed canon gives me warm and fuzzy feelings. :)

ETA: I forgot to mention: if you are considering participating in the ficathon, I hope you'll consider one the prompts for Sam and Janet friendship (how can there be no takers?!) or Jack and Teal'c (ditto) or Sam and Vala (also no takers, sigh) or Cam and anyone (only two claimed so far) or Jonas and anyone (just one prompt claimed). The prompts are grouped by names, so it's easy to see which friendships could use a little more love.

In the awards corner of fandom, I don't see any names I recognize on the list (other than Random's, who I know is mostly incommunicado these days), but the GateFic awards (which is not the same as the old Stargate Fan Awards) are going live next week and they're still seeking confirmations/rejections from several nominated people. If you haven't yet done so, glance at the list and see if there's a friend who might appreciate being informed.

I started an angsty ficlet (inspired by an old comment green_grrl made on my LJ, back in the day) but it was sulking, so I went ahead and wrote a bunch of happy drabbles instead. :) Happiness Redux, because good drabbles need good prompts and you all came through for me so delightfully!

On another fic note (but not mine), there seems to be a lot more gen fic being written lately. This Benevolent Dictatrix is most pleased with her subjects and encourages MORE. :D

On to the recs! This month marked my 700th rec, which kinda boggles the mind. At least mine. Not only that, but the Master List of SG-1 fic recs is actually up-to-date! I'm on a roll, apparently.

They were all posted at stargateficrec, but they are archived at figs_sg1_rec with my own tags. Follow the links below. You should all know the drill by now...

Replicarter recs

In Accordance with Tilden's Law, by Ultranos (PG-13/R)

All the King's Horses, by Abyssis (PG-13)

Revelation and Damnation, by Aurora Novarum (PG-13)

Payback's a..., by Rose Wilde (PG)

Do you know how long it took me to collect four Replicarter fics? I gave up on Thor as a category last year, but I'm still holding out hope for Walter the Chevron Guy. I only need one more to have the minimum of four!

Team recs

What a Waste of Good Pie, by Wonderland (G)

Waltzing with your teammates, by Aces (G)

Bad Birthdays, by Thothmes (PG)

Some Days You're the Hydrant, by Gingasaur (PG)

Daniel Descending, by Stringertheory (PG)

Well, I actually went six months without reccing team! Amazing. :) Here's the link to the last team rec month, if you want to explore further.

::insert regular encouragement to sign up to rec here::

In other gen reccing news,
sg1genrecs's current theme is lost episode -- stories that feature original plotlines, rather than being episode related. If you have a favorite gen fic that fits the bill, I hope you'll wander over there and rec it.

sg-1 fic recs, monthly review, stargate sg-1 fandom

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