SG-1 Friendathon: polling for interest

May 23, 2011 20:41

So way back in 2008, we had a ficathon over at sg1friendathon: gen stories with an emphasis on friendship. We had twenty authors contributing twenty-three different stories, which is an excellent statistic for gen, let me tell you. :)

After a three-year hiatus, I'm considering another round. I am all too aware that many SG-1 fans have moved on to more current fandoms, but I hope that there are enough of you out there who are still interested enough to participate! suzannemarie will be joining me as your friendly neighborhood mod, and we're both looking forward to lots of new friendship fics.

We'll begin with a poll to determine interest, ficathon type, and dates. Long-winded explanation of poll choices:

What kind we're going to do:

We have two choices: a traditional assignment of prompts, and an open pool of prompts.

If we go with the traditional mode, then each person participating in the ficathon would submit three different prompts. Prompts should name two characters and a suggestion for the fic: a quote, an episode, a bit of dialogue, etc. These prompts must use different characters - you can't, for example, ask for Jack and Daniel three times! :) You may use one character twice among your three prompts - for instance, you can ask for Janet and Sam dealing with Cassie, or Janet and Hammond in a missing scene from Urgo, but you would not be able to put Janet in your third prompt. You may also, if you wish, offer one prompt of three or more characters for multi-friendship (such as Jack, Teal'c, and Daniel watching jello-wrestling in Ascension). Timeframes may be included in your prompt (early Season One, pre-series, post-series, classic SG-1 only, S9-10 only - whatever). You may also include up to three things you specifically do not want in your fic: no NID, no Tok'ra, no excessive violence, etc.

If we go with an open pool of prompts, there will be a one-week period in which anyone, whether or not they plan to sign up for the ficathon, can submit screened prompts. As with the traditional mode, prompts should name two (or more) characters and a suggestion for the fic: a quote, an episode, a bit of dialogue, etc. There would be no limitations in terms of using the same character in multiple prompts or submitting several multi-friendship prompts. When the submission period has ended, a new post would go up with all the available prompts. Prompts would be claimed on a first-come, first-served basis.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods. The first assures that participants will get one story written specifically to their tastes, including what they'd rather not see in their requested prompt. The second offers many more choices for inspiration and makes it easier to take the plunge into participating; it also allows last-minute contributions from people who hadn't planned to take part in the ficathon, but find themselves suddenly inspired by a particular prompt a week or so before the stories are due. However, there's no guarantee that your own prompt will be taken or that the story written with your prompt won't include elements that you dislike.

No matter which kind of ficathon we ultimately have, all assigned or claimed prompts must be written and posted to the ficathon community before any of them can go public. There's the option to gradually unscreen the stories over a period of time rather than releasing them all at once -- that way, readers can enjoy each story individually instead of gulping down a dozen-odd stories at one sitting -- but all fics would need to be in the queue before we begin.

When we're going to do it:

If we go with the traditional mode, we'll have a week sign-up period, a week for assignments to be handed out, and six weeks or so of writing time before stories are due. If we go with the pool of prompts mode, we'll have a week submission period, a week in which prompts can be claimed, and six weeks or so of writing time before stories are due. I've offered a spread of dates in the poll, and it offers ticky boxes so you can choose whatever works for you. Hopefully, we can find a time that is, at the very least, doable for most.

Poll SG-1 Friendship Ficathon

friendship ficathon

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