December: fandom, fic, recs

Dec 30, 2010 22:56

Whew! End of the month review before the end of the year review, which will probably go up sometime next week. :)

In case you missed it, signups for Crossover Alphabet Soup went live! We've actually got 24 fandoms claimed already. There's still officially room for one more fandom (no Sanctuary, people?!), but if a few extra fandoms sneak into the Soup, I'm not going to actually complain! So if you feel like writing 100 words of gen crossover SG-1 fic by February 1st, go sign up.

In other fandom news, redial_the_gate is still humming happily along. I finally watched Gemini (go me!) and actually wrote a recap for the comm in haiku. I blame it on Aurora. :)

gate_women's latest ficathon goes live on January 7! I have a great prompt that is supposed to be AU, but I realized that I haven't actually written anything that is AU -- unless it's canon AU (because a fandom where "canon AU" makes sense is a thing of joy and wonder). So my brain leapt to typing this AU into a glimpsed canon AU, only it ties Daniel into it too much when it's supposed to be only Sam and Sha're and I have perhaps three lines written. Er. Happily, there's a three-week window for posting. I'm really looking forward to some of the claimed prompts!

I did get some fic writing down this month, all of it G-rated and on the light and fluffy side. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. :)

Happiness Is - ten happy drabbles. Classic team, plus Mitchell, Cassie, and Janet. Kittens, hockey, Star Wars, and Tengwar are included at no extra cost!

The Hunt is team (especially Jack) silliness and Teal'c pwnage. Need I say more?

Temper, Temper is a missing scene from Reckoning with Jacob and Jack. Because sometimes crankiness can be a good thing.

Then there's the recs, of course. Team (surprise, surprise!) and Episode Related this month! You all know the drill by now: these were all recced at stargateficrec and crossposted to figs_sg1_rec. The master list of fic recs is current through the end of October, although if you're looking for something specific, you might do better with the archive tags.

Episode Related recs

Forever and a Day, by Mad Maudlin (PG-13)
Widow's Walk, by Penknife (PG)
Hypotheticals, by SG_Betty (PG)
Zephyr, by Aelfgyfu (G)

I last recced the Episode Related category back in February.

Team recs

Honalee, by Zinke (G)
the earth below us was dancing with lights, by Aces (G)
Calling Doctor Howard, Doctor Fine, Doctor Howard, by Pepper (G)
C is for Crafts, by Shinealightonme (G)
Visting Hours, by Teand (PG)
A Turkey (of a) Story, by Tallulah Rasa (G)

I last recced the Team category in April. This makes twelve times, heh. :)

::insert regular encouragement to sign up to rec here::

sg1genrecs's current theme is still SG-1/SGA crossovers. I'm afraid I've been a rather neglectful mod of late. It's a good thing
sam_gardener has been so dedicated! Hopefully, we'll start a new theme next week... with the new calendar year!

sg-1 fic recs, monthly review

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