Crossover Alphabet Soup signup reminder

Dec 28, 2010 23:44

It's been two weeks since I first announced our upcoming Crossover Alphabet Soup, which will be going live on February 1st. So far, we've had 22 fandoms claimed: television shows, movies, and novels. I'm very excited about the possibilities here! :)

If you were too busy before now to claim a fandom, now's your chance. Go to the signup post and claim a fandom -- Harry Potter, LOTR, Nero Wolfe (somebody yes please), whatever suits your fancy. You can claim a letter too, although that isn't yet necessary. And please do spread the word; it's always an extra joy to have no cooks join the soups! SIX new authors so far, heh. ::gloats:: In fact, if my calculations are correct, the next new contributor will be #100!

alphabet soup

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