Gratuitous Icon Post

Nov 16, 2010 13:07

Do you know how long it took for me to figure out the acronym "GIP"...?

I'm afraid this is a remarkably self-indulgent post, as I will sadly be saying goodbye to most of my icons tomorrow. I look back with amusement at how baffled I was, when I first joined LJ, at how many icons so many people seemed to need. Oh, little did I know. :)

So I'm curious to see just how Daniel icons I have, how many icons feature women, and other little details. I've put the breakdown under the cut:

This has been my default icon since, well, always. It's floppy-haired Daniel looking all SERIOUS with the Stargate in the background. Not sure why I love it, but I do. :)

I have several more Daniel-only icons, but only one other that's just Daniel as opposed to having an additional message: Moonshayde's delightful archeological one


Then there's Cyren's canon vs. fanon Daniel

And Annerb's "Don't say ka until you've tried it!" Daniel

And Thraesja's WIP Daniel

And two redial_the_gate Daniels, courtesy of Pepper

(with bonus Wormhole Extreme! kinda-sorta-Daniel)

Should we include squeeful dancing Daniel from the talented littlekfru on the list?

Er. Never claimed he wasn't my favorite, did I?

Jack gets only one icon

I've lost the credit for this one - anyone know who did it?

But Sam gets two, by Nomadicwriter and Sorcha Gaia

And so does Teal'c, one by Aerianya and the first icon I ever made with text:

Sha're has three: two of movie-era ones by Paian and Mindfulraven respectively, and one Daniel/Share.

Many characters get a single icon apiece: Hammond (GEORGE!), Bra'tac, Jacob, Jonas, Janet, Vala, and Thor, created by Nomadicwriter (two of them!), Annerb, Cleo, Hsapiens (another two!), and Oofoetusoo.

Then there are the friendship icons! Why, yes, many of these feature Daniel, why do you ask? :)

Two Jack and Daniel friendship icons, one of my own making and one from Nomadicwriter:

Another two friendship icons for Sam and Daniel, one of my own and the Wonder Twins one by Cleo:

And two Teal'c and Daniel friendship icons, one by me and the Bane one by Niamea:

There's also one with Sam and Teal'c friendship

And Sam and Jack friendship, by Surreallis

And Jack and Teal'c friendship by Nomadicwriter

Then there are the fanfic rec icons, in their various permutations. The fanfic fix, which everyone tries to click at least once, was created by Ms Semicolon.

Annerb did the Benevolent Dictatrix one (that title was bestowed by Kalquessa)

And Samantilles did the Jack and Daniel fanfic rec one.

Samantilles also created the Alphabet Soup icon.

And last but certainly not least, TEAM! ::squishes team::

My signature icon, courtesy of Annerb:

Teamy goodness from Littlekfru:

And awesome team from Kalquessa:

So: 23 individual icons (of which 9 are Daniel in some shape or form). Nine friendship icons (of which six feature Daniel, heh). Three team ones, four fanfic/fic rec ones, and one shippy icon. Six are exclusively women and four feature friendships between men and women (plus one Daniel/Sha're). There are four that include neither men nor women and one that features Thor, who is kinda hard to classify! I'm not sure what all this says about me, other than that I may possibly be a teeny tiny bit too obsessed with Daniel than is healthy. :)

I have more icons in use over at figs_sg1_rec and over at DW, but this is what I've got here for now.

If I have failed to sufficiently express my appreciation before now, I want to thank the wonderful icon makers who tweak and polish images of the characters we love and set them out for us in little 100X100 pixel boxes that add just the right touch to our posts. I have many more on my hard drive that I've saved just because I think they're so beautifully done. Thank you, all of you! :)


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