Two months of fandom, fic, recs

Nov 01, 2010 11:11

It's been a relatively quiet two months here in Fig Newton land, but here's the roundup:

We had Gen Fic Day in early October. Not much in the way of new fic, but plenty of recs of the crackfic variety!

We had a poll (both on LJ and DW) discussing future Alphabet Soups. We'll be having one of those sometime in late January on our next Gen Fic Day. Bra'tac won the poll quite handily, but I actually have a different Soup in mind for our next serving. We'll see how it goes. Signups will probably be in early December.

redial_the_gate has started Season Eight - there have been three eps recapped so far, with nandamai's recap for Zero Hour scheduled for tomorrow. If you haven't found Redial yet, I hope you'll wander over and join the fun!

In other fandom news, one_prompt's latest prompt is That's the last of the coffee. You have until December 1 to write a fic of any length that's inspired by the prompt. My brain has gone Daniel/Sha're sappy on the topic... :)

I actually wrote more fic in the last few days than I did in the last three months, sigh.

Writing in Précis: Drabble WIPs. This was more an interesting personal exercise than actual writing, I suppose. I took several WIPs currently glaring at me from my hard drive and wrote individual drabbles based on their storylines.

Better Luck Next Time is slightly silly teamy goodness, in which a Goa'uld thinks he's created the inescapable trap and then... learns otherwise. :) PG.

Vested Interest is a bit of Jack angst set immediately after Heroes, with all the warning that entails. PG.

Now for the recs section of this entry! I covered three categories at stargateficrec in the past two months: Sam and Janet friendship, Sha're, and Pre-series. The links below lead to my own archive at figs_sg1_rec, where I have my own comprehensive tag system.

Sam and Janet friendship recs

Women Behind Bars, by Rebecca (PG)

Infirmary After, by Teand (PG-13 by reccer)

...for Good Women to Do Nothing, by Geon Cannon (G)

Just An Ordinary Weekend in the Life of a Single Working Mom, by Princess of G (G)

And because Sam and Janet friendship is such a rare thing to find (do you know how long I was saving some of these recs?), I am going to do something I almost never do, and link to some Sam and Janet friendship fics of my own:

Making BABIES: Sam and Janet and an annoying Jack. The ladies win.

Coming Down: Sam and Janet in the aftermath of Upgrades.

If you've written Sam and Janet friendship fic, I'd be delighted if you'd link to it here for future reference! No guarantees for a rec, but I'll certainly read it. :)

Sha're recs

Good Sha're fic is almost as hard to find as good Sam and Janet friendship fic. Here are the four I managed to rec this time:

Let Us Begin, by Annerb (PG)

Not Just a Footnote, by Telepathicpixie (PG)

Do Not Stray, by Otter (PG)

Shau'ri's Song, by Sam Walker (PG)

Previous Sha're recs can be found here, here, and here.

Pre-series recs

I had a little fun with this category. The recs below are character based: one each for Catherine Langford, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c, and Jack, and one that has the entire team plus Hammond!

Scientific Method, by Zinke (G)

Reaching Past the Sky, by Amilyn (PG)

Potential, by Katie M. (G)

Of Honey Cakes and Honor, by Thothmes (G)

An Old Friend, by Da Angel (PG-13)

Five Things That Happened Pre-Stargate, by Wonderland (G)

In other rec news,
sg1genrecs has been running a Janet friendship theme for the last three weeks, but poor Janet hasn't gotten much love. The theme will still run for another week or so, so if you've got a favorite Janet friendship fic you'd like to share with others, I hope you'll spare a few moments to rec it to the rest of us!

And while we're on the subject of reccing, November means NaNoWriMo, which means that a lot of regular fanfic authors will have their fandom time occupied with other matters. So this is the perfect time for non-authors (or non-NaNo participants) to sign up to rec at stargateficrec so that we'll all have something to read this coming month! :)

sg-1 fic recs, monthly review

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