Women of Stargate drabble prompts?

Feb 03, 2010 11:04

Because I don't have enough to-write prompts on my list :) I want to write some drabbles for halfamoon, which celebrates women in fandom through February 14.

So choose a character from the list below and give me a one-word prompt for her. For example, Egeria: choices or Gairwyn: courage. These are going to be gen, people, which I imagine will surprise nobody. :) One prompt per character only, so please check that the character hasn't been claimed yet. I'll try to strike out names as they're claimed, but I anticipate being AFK for most of the day, so please do check previous comments.

If all the characters have been claimed already, I don't mind if you suggest your own, but no promises!

Edit: all characters have now been claimed. I don't mind if someone wants to supply further characters and prompts until I get the drabbles written, but as I said above, no guarantees.

In alphabetical order:





Linnea (not Kera)



Sara O'Neill

Sarah Gardener

Sha'uri (or Sha're)

ficlets by request

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