Dial the Gate: Descent

Nov 17, 2009 15:41

redial_the_gate does Descent this week! This is exciting for me, because I only read the transcript for Descent once, and that was back in 2006! So yes, this is really new Stargate. I know four things going in: this is the ep with the "Do not meddle in the ice cream of Jaffa" scene, Thor is involved, Paul Davis finally gets off-world, and Sam and Jack almost drown (and that's more from music vids than memory from the ep, heh). No coherency, just reactions. Onwards!

I will never tire of hearing CJ voice the "Previously, on Stargate SG-1..."

Jacob! I didn't know Jacob was part of this! LOL at the Air Force general crack. And Jack! "Are we there yet?" Hee hee hee.

Puppy dog excitement from Jonas -- awwwwww. :) And Teal'c's little half-smile of indulgence. Although Teal'c is little shinier than usual.

I do like those sidelong glances Jack keeps giving Jonas - he's not quite fully sccepting him yet, is he?

PAUL DAVIS!!! ::squishes him:: His first time in outer space, wheeeee! Don't know the other guy there, though. Should I? I am hereby officially designating him as the episode's Red Shirt.

Oooh, new credits! And now it makes sense - they couldn't use these until post-Redemption, when it's official Jonas is on the team.

Y'know, it occurs to me that we're only going to hear "Jack" this season when Jacob (or George) is talking to him. Huh.

Aw, poor Jonas. Hostility drifting into the open there, with Jack's order for him to stay behind. He dismissed Daniel like that in the beginning, too, only Daniel could argue back. It's not just that Jonas won't -- I don't think he can.

"...we've all been holding our breath down here."

"That is most unwise." Bwah! Teal'c punks even Hammond? :D

I'm trying to figure out why Jacob is here (other than for the coolness factor). Did they call the Tok'ra when they found the ship, and (gasp!) the Tok'ra actually responded to help? Did they figure they might need someone with a symbiote to make things work?

Self-destruct... dun dun dun! And Red Shirt Guy wants to know whether or not it's going to explode. Wise Red Shirt.

Ahhh, Jack. Making himself comfortable on the throne, hee! Although the last time he did that, the hatak didn't last very long, either.

"...slapping a U.S. Air Force sticker on the side of this ship..." ::sporfles:: Y'know, Jacob, Jack wasn't actually around when you snarked that last time.

"Sometimes I get a little concerned that you're going to get my favorite planet wiped out." BWAH HA HA. Honestly, I was expecting "favorite daughter" to be the end of that sentence. Go Jacob! And then Jack: "What planet is that?"

Oooh, Red Shirt Guy does have a name! Missed what it was, though. Freesan? Aw, poor tech guy not getting to see the shiny shields.

Loved Sam's "Yes, Dad."

I love that Paul has obviously done enough homework to know how to try to open the blast doors, even if they don't work.

"I have to go blow something up." Oh, Jack. :) ::squishes him:: Annnnd there goes Red Shirt Guy, off to see the shiny shields and get himself killed.

The slanty pillar sliding up to expose the computer core circuits is quite cool.

Red Shirt Guy obviously never watched the right movies about the dangers of following noises down dimly-lit corridors, poor fellow. Samurai Jaffa are kinda neat, though. Ninjas in space!

Bored!Jonas and calm Teal'c and EEEEEE!!!! It's the banana!!!

Love Teal'c's calm and brutal honesty. "... that one day you will be an effective member of SG-1."

"Are you suggesting an alien conspiracy?" ::laughs and laughs and laughs and laughs:: And Jonas warned about Teal'c's sense of humor and Teal'c still staring at him...! I will go back and rewatch that scene with great pleasure, yes.

Why am I so oddly pleased by Paul pronoucing "Goa'uld" corrrectly?

"You scientists..." Ooh, I'm sure Sam liked being lumped together with Red Shirt Guy like that.

Okay, so why doesn't Paul have clearance for a P-90? Why is he stuck with a handgun?

Eee! Jacob gets shot! Although honestly, what possible excuse can there be for the Jaffa to miss a fatal shot here? They're not questioning him or holding him hostage; they just left him for dead. Are all Jaffa warriors really so pathetically bad at aiming that they can't shoot an unsuspecting man in the back?

(Yes, yes, it's because the writers didn't want Jacob dead [yet]. But I need an in-story reason.)

How much do I love Jonas just standing there and Teal'c yanking him back to safety? Hee, Teal'c! And them he shows his awesomeness at taking down three Jaffa without even breaking a sweat. This ep should be known as "Teal'c pwnage."

I have trouble buying the explanation for why they couldn't ring back onto the ship with Jonas and Teal'c. Damaged ring controls, yes, but that doesn't explain why they couldn't ring from the hatak to the ship. (Think in front of the Chulak Stargate, frex.) Handwave, anyone?

Forgive me, but... Pearl Harbor to a splashdown point near Alaska? Surely there's a DSRV somewhere closer than that!

Another great scene with Teal'c and Jonas. I do love that very straight talk that Teal'c has. In some ways, he's mentoring Jonas, isn't he?

"I stood there. You saved my life like Doctor Jackson did back on my planet. I didn't do a thing." OUCH. And then Jonas saying intellectual solutions vs. heat of the moment... y'know, I suddenly understand why it was so important to Jonas that he pushed Daniel out of the staff weapon's way in Homecoming. I don't agree that it made them "even," but yeah - I can certainly see why it mattered so much.

I do like the explanation for how the Jaffa managed to avoid detection.

For the record, the lighting in the downed ship makes Sam look absolutely gorgeous, highlighting the planes of her face.

"By who?" "By whom." "Actually, sir, it's more like 'what.'" Hee hee hee.

From deep space to deep water - Jonas is really getting a lot of "firsts" here, isn't he?

Jacob's hand shaking just a little bit while he's trying to unlock the doors for Sam and Jack - a very nice touch.

Isn't there any C4 left that Paul could use to blow the door?

"...Or we could just not crash at all!" Poor Jack. He never gets to keep a hatak. :)

Aha. Concussion of the blast too dangerous. Love Paul being so desperate to save them.

"Sam... I'm sorry." Oh, man.

Thor! Yay, Thor! :D

Okay, yes, Jonas studied all the schematics and therefore knows how to get to the computer core, but telling Teal'c...? Jonas, the man knew his way around a hatak before you were born!

Paul all excited at Sam and Jack being alive and slapping Jacob on his broken collarbone is touching and hilarious at the same time. :)

I am really, really glad that Walter reported poor Red Shirt Guy's death. In many shows, he'd just be a forgotten detail.

"Way to go, Thor!" Hee, yes.

Paul is such a fascinating study in contrasts. He's desperate to save lives and one of the good guys, but he's also forced to speak the Pentagon line, suggesting that maybe they should leave Thor where he is so that the hatak can be salvaged. (And why not disengage the self-destruct, BTW, after they get Thor out?)

"All right, next mothership we keep, okay?" ::grins::

"You sure you got all of him in there? He's a smart guy, y'know." Ha! I was wondering the same thing.

I don't think we needed the "I'm a quick study" at all, actually. Jonas has had over three months to do little more than pore over schematics and catch up on his reading. I have no trouble with the idea that he'd remember a control panel. I do have a little trouble with the idea that he knows how to bypass circuits and suchlike, but, well - handwave, handwave. I certainly don't blame for him for needing to do something.

Jack trying to be low-pressure with Sam, and Teal'c saying "On the contrary, O'Neill," and Sam not buying any of it for a second... :)

"We are being advised that in approximately seven minutes this ship will be destroyed." I am oddly charmed with the odd number of seven here, rather than five minutes or ten or whatever. Yay for not being so Earth-centric!

Why could Jonas open the door onto the flooding, when it's supposed to be locked down? Oh, yeah, the safety measure was deleted. Right. And Jonas holding the crystal in his teeth is hilarious, for some reason. :)

Ah, is this when we see that Jonas can hold his breath for a really long time? Because he didn't even seem to be straining. But whee! Ringing together with the water is a great touch.

"Listen, if we don't survive this - thanks." Ah, Jack, how hard was that to say?

These gliders seal very differently from the ones back in The Serpent's Lair.

"What about Jonas?" "All members of SG-1, present and accounted for." Awwwwww. :)

"Are you smiling?" LOL. And then that loop! Hee, Jack.

Well! I was wrong about the ice cream scene, so I'll look forward to that whenever it shows up. (Don't tell me - I want to be pleased and surprised!) I would like a clear explanation as to why Paul Davis was there. Not that I minded having him there at all, and he was delightfully competent, but why?

A fun, solid ep, in which everyone got a chance to shine. Nice stuff.

redial_the_gate, stargate sg-1 eps

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