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sela21k August 26 2009, 22:47:27 UTC
I think the thanks should go to you for the organising and inspiring of this wonderful little ficathon. I'm looking for to the next tasty bowl of Alphabet Soup.


sg_fignewton August 27 2009, 05:34:00 UTC
Hey, if I want more gen fic, the best way to get is to nag everyone incessantly. ;)

Thanks for joining us!


General fic and a question amberflyant August 27 2009, 10:07:07 UTC
Hear hear!! There isn't enough general fic and I will happily play once more! Thanks for organizing this, Fig. I take it we can post to our own lists now? Cheryl and I run the Stargate Legends list which is for the 'missing scenes' stories. Let me know if this is an exclusive post and then no probs, we won't post it there. Can we advertise this on our lists?


Re: General fic and a question sg_fignewton August 27 2009, 11:49:31 UTC
You can absolutely post your fic wherever you'd like! The only caveat is the request not to post it anywhere before Gen Fic Day. After that? Home free! I archive my fics regularly on Helio and Stargatefan, for example, and I've already put up one of my Jacob soups (must remember to do the other...)

And, um, you can't post other people's fic. But I'm going to assume you know that part. :)

What is the Stargate Legends list, exactly? Yahoo group?


Re: General fic and a question amberflyant August 27 2009, 12:00:34 UTC

Hello, and thanks, I'll post mine on the Ledgies list. I know not to post the other fics, but we are a yahoo site that recs any missing scene that has been posted on a public site. We ackowlegde the author and then we file under the Stargate/SGA/series/episode. If anyone objected to their work being rec'd there, we would instantly remove it.

The links are setup as a folder (SG1/SGA) for the season, then the episodes are linked to it.

Cheryl (Eilhid17) and I encourage new fics as well! Like you, we consider the more SGC fanfic...the better! Oh, its all genres, so everyone can read...or not...their choice.


Re: General fic and a question sg_fignewton August 27 2009, 12:35:15 UTC
Wow, quite an active group you've got there!

Anyway, I'm always a fan of spreading the squee, so go for it. :)


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