Jacob Alphabet Soup: call for prompts!

Jul 22, 2009 17:14

I'm as surprised as the rest of you :) but Jacob actually ended up winning the poll of who gets to be the subject of the next Alphabet Soup!

We'll have Jacob Alphabet Soup next month for our late August Gen Fic Day. Vala will be next, then Jonas, then Bra'tac. I kinda like the idea of having the next year's worth all settled!

So now we need prompts - ideas for our writers, when we get to the step of claiming letters, to help inspire their ficlets.

(If you've never participated in these mini-ficathons and you don't know what I'm talking about, you'll find links to all previous soups over here.)

Prompting does NOT commit you to writing. And when the time comes and you choose to claim a letter, you are NOT committed to choosing any of the given prompts for your ficlet! The prompts list is just to give our writers an idea or three when they're considering what to write.

Please comment below with single-word prompts that you find appropriate for Jacob Carter, such as: Air Force, Samantha, Mark, Tok'ra, Selmac, Saroosh, politics, cancer, Jack, hand device, Baal, Scotty... You get the idea. :) I'll collate them all for the official prompts post, which will probably be early next week.

And don't forget - just because the Alphabet Soup will be about Jacob doesn't mean you can't write non-Jacob related fic as independent contributions to Gen Fic Day!

alphabet soup

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