Fic: "Welcome me home"

May 27, 2014 17:59

Title: Welcome me home (Scott/Logan)
Rating: R
Summary: Following the events of Days of Future Past.
Disclaimer: All mine and I make tons of money writing this stuff, woo hoo! (Okay, not mine and I'm broke. -_- )
Warnings: Major spoilers for Days of Future Past. Some gore. Unbetaed.
Notes: Thanks for the plot bunny garfieldyard

Welcome me home

He blinked against the early noon light. His head hurt and his eyes were burning. His whole body ached and he felt so very tired.



Marie and Bobby?

Could it be? He held her dead body but six months ago; terrible, sticky heat dribbling down his pants and the terrifying knowledge that if he’d look down, as certain as the sun, a sentinel puncture hole will be where Rogue’s stomach should have been… but even the sun, he remembered frowning deeply, didn’t feel as certain that day; the little girl he met and rescued in Canada was dead in his arms, her blood and guts were covering the ground, and the…

‘Logan! There’s no time! Get out of there, now!’ Ororo called. Another cloud of sentinels drew nearer, blotting out the pale, setting sun.


‘Now Logan, God damn it! Now!’

//Logan.// Charles voice in his mind,

And he left her body there to rot.

In bishop’s visions, the sentinels tore Piotr in half like a paper doll. He doubted his healing powers could sort that one out.
On every other day he’d have taken his chances, though. On every other day he’d die before leaving Marie’s body to the packs of stray dogs that roamed the deserted city, but not that day.

The professor had an idea. They needed to find Kitty Pryde.

“Good morning Logan. Late start?” Hank laughed as he walked past him, and Logan snapped out of his reverie.

Furball?! Hank’s older self, the one that got crashed to death as sentinels destroyed the X-Mansion, smiled at him like all was right with the world. And maybe it was. Here they were standing in the Xavier school for gifted youngsters, like Hank never got buried in rubble trying to save Tabitha Smith’s life.

The said student was now sitting in Piotr’s and Kitty’s class and Logan had to physically shake his head in an attempt to clear it.

A still dormant part of his brain insisted that he had a bad dream, but as his memory failed to recover he knew there was more to it. Not a dream.

Then he remembered. It all happened so fast once they arrived in China. Before he knew it he was volunteering to travel in time in the professor’s stead, but it was coming back to him now… someone said-either Kitty or wheels, that if their plan would work Logan will wake up in a different present, and no one else will remember the dark future they managed to prevent. That he would have no recollection of what happened in between… A good couple dozens of years were completely lost, therefore.

You think you’d get used to it by now… Logan closed his eyes and took a deep cleansing breath. Bobby and Marie were back together at least. Or maybe they never broke up… At any rate he was relieved. Seeing Bobby with Kitty was plain wrong. A constant reminder of how he left Rogue’s body behind- -

He shivered and opened his eyes.

He’d figure this out, he’d figure everything out. He needed to find the professor.

Some of the younger kids returning from a swimming lesson walked pass him, led by Jubilee.

“Hey Logan,”

She greeted but Logan could barely hear her. His heart was beating loudly in his ears, a lump in his throat made him feel like he was drowning. OhGod

It was the smell of the chlorine. One minute Logan was in the mansion searching for the professor, the other he was on the bottom of the river, his arms and legs bound, his lungs full of water… He was suffocating… he couldn’t breathe… he was dying…


Red light and warmth reached the deep dark water as the sweet voice called him back,

//we’re in here//

“Jean?” Logan asked only to be stared at by a dozen of terrified kids in towels and colorful floaties.

“Logan… should I like, get help or something?”

“I’m alright,” and he just knew that he caught a glimpse of his new recurring nightmare.

He got up (when did he sink to the floor?) and started making his way towards the professor’s office.

Towards Jean’s voice.

Could it be? Could she possibly be alive? If he changed the course of the world’s history… maybe he did more than just preventing the sentinels from coming to pass? Maybe he also changed what felt to him like a too ludicrous chain of events to ever truly accept? To ever be able to cope with?

His heart was beating so fast and loud in his ears. He wanted to reach the office, but he also wanted for the journey there to last forever; if Jean was still dead his heart would break all over again…


Red dress, red shoes, red hair… too good to be true, but there she was-standing with her back on him at the entrance to Charles’ office.
Still shaky from his earlier flashback, his knees felt like they might give out as he crossed the short distance leading to Xavier’s door.


She turned and oh sweet God!-

“Hey Logan. You okay?”

“…you’re here?”

“Where else would I be?”

It was like seeing the sun again, the one that was earlier pale and cold, blotted by flocks of deadly sentinels. It was like coming back to life. It was like-

“Whoa! Easy pal!”

On its own accord, his hand was sent to Jeannie’s face, but it was caught in midair, the grip angry and firm.

Another scent fill his nostrils then, and he turned-

Dear mother of God.

He didn’t think, didn’t consider- - Scott.


He nearly lost it. Nearly grabbed Summers by the hem of his stupid Boy Scout cardigan, shook him and yelled in his face I told you not to go! I told you, and look how fucked up things got!


The professor warned and stopped him in the nick of time.

Never happened. Logan knew.

//No. It never did.//

Scott was still firmly holding his forearm and Logan couldn’t help but remark “Some things never change…”

“…Good to see you Scott.” He gave the young man’s shoulder a squeeze, but it seemed to have angered Summers even more.

“Yeah, right.” Scott pushed him away and walked past him. It wasn’t long before Jean joined him and left.

Okay…okay. Right. He’ll deal with that later, right now…

“We did it.” He told the professor, now that they were the only ones in room.

“Did what? Logan, don’t you have a class to teach?”

“A class to teach?”

“Yeah. History.”

“Actually I could use some help with that.”

“Help with what?”

“Pretty much everything after 1973. I think the history I know is a little different.”

The professor’s face began to light. “Welcome back.” he smiled.

“It’s good to see you Charles. It’s good to see everyone.”

“Well. I had a promise to keep. You and I have a lot of catching up to do.”


“What’s the last think you remember?”

His head was spinning. Charles told him knew it was a lot to take in, offered he’d take some time off to let it sink in.

Second flood, third room to the right… he mentally chanted as he made his way.

He was used to having gaps in his memory. He was used of finding out strange truths, used to strangers filling him in… but this?

Didn’t see it coming. Not in a million years.

Ten years ago, he would have taken Chuck’s advice, gotten on his motorcycle and left. If he didn’t like what he learned about himself he simply ignored it. Moved on, redefined who the Wolverine was, what he did and didn’t do…

But running away was the last thing on his mind right then.

Having just escaped a future so dark and grim, so deprived of love… He’d take it where he could find it.

He reached the room, his room according to Chuck, took a deep breath and opened the door.

The sun was shining directly into the room, he could only see a silhouette sitting on the bed.

He breathed in. The smell was familiar somehow… soothing. Like this was his home.

‘…are we… happy?’ he asked when he finally found his voice.

Charles seemed surprised that this was his first question, but relieved at the same time. ‘Yes. You make each other very happy.’

Lost in thoughts, Logan slowly made his way to the bedside, where the sun was not as blinding.


“…Hey? Three weeks. You’ve been gone for three whole weeks and I need to learn you came back from Jubilee?”

The pain behind the words was real and it twisted Logan’s guts, but then he watched his twin reflections on the ruby lenses and almost laughed. He and Scott Summers.
Who would have thought?

“And what the hell was that? With Jean? You told me you’re over her! Why did you get us to break up?! Only so that you can have a go?!”

“Don’t be stupid.” Logan didn’t need to remember a damn thing in order to know that he wouldn’t do that. If he wanted Jeannie he’d go for Jeannie, not her fiancé.
Somewhere down the line he must have decided he wanted to hook up with Summers. Mmm… he watched the full lips and sharp check bones. Now there’s a thought.

‘Should I tell him, then?’

‘I suppose it is up to you, but if you want my advice… I’d wait. Your mind was sent back in time, split in half, but you were here too. It was you who lived here with us all those years. You who feel for Scott. These memories may still recover in time.’

‘But I… it’s Scott. I don’t…” but he wasn’t sure how to complete the sentence. I don’t love him? He did. Not loved-loved, but he cared deeply. More than he knew… when he thought Scott was dead-he shivered. Didn’t want to go back there, not now not never. I don’t want him? That wasn’t true either. He’d die before admitting how much pissing off Summers turned him on. He’d jerked off to the occasional angry sex fantasy, but from there to actually going out with the guy…

What a mess.  He was dead tired. He felt like he hadn’t slept in years. All he wanted was to be able to crawl into bed without having a lover's quarrel with a guy he didn’t remember he loved. Not that way anyway.

Maybe he should have asked for a different room? But that would have send Summers spiraling. As it was-he’d never seen the team leader so distressed. It must have been serious between them.

“Common Summers, we can talk about it later. Let’s go to bed.”

“It that all you ever think about?” Scott got up, slim and tall and boyish in spite of all the years that passed.

Logan watched the slim waistline with growing intent.

“Why, yes. Yes it is.” And he sent hands to Summers’ groin, unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans.

He didn’t intend to, but Scott had practically offered...

“I meant it, Logan! About what happened earlier!”

“Don’t be like that, slim.” He tugged the jeans off and away.

Logan had woken up in so many strange beds lately, yet it was so long since he had sex… the last couple of years--at least the years he remembered were all about surviving. Being cold, hungry, on guard…

If past Logan had somehow managed to get into Summers’ tightly guarded pants why shouldn’t he get to enjoy it now, when he needed it most?

“Really, Logan! I don’t see you in three weeks-and all I get is a pat on the shoulder?!”

“You’re right,” Logan took firm hold of Scott’s face and roughly crushed their mouths together. He had no memory of their relationship, but he had plenty of fantasies to play out. He forced his tongue into Scott’s mouth. God, yes-Summers tasted like heaven. The kiss was angry, passionate, their tongues dueling for dominance, and yeah, some things never change.

He threw Scott to the bed and the mutant immediately closed his eyes. “Careful-my glasses!”

“Take off your clothes.”



That’s how it always played in his head. He’d get Scott so angry the man would try to fight him, but Logan would block him, undress him… humiliate and arouse him, until the proud and prudish Scott Summers would beg to get fucked.

And now he watched Scott Summers undressing for him, as easy as that. Scott was creamy pale and slender. Muscular too, but so different from Logan’s massively build and sun tanned body. Such a perfect ass. Logan couldn’t wait. He took off his clothes,

“Come here,” He moved to lie on top of Scott and sent a hand to the nightstand drawer, blindly searching for lube.

Not there…

He tried the next drawer and the next… Where the hell do I keep it?

Scott was beginning to look at him funny, but just then his fingers curled around a cool tube. He pulled it out. Bingo.

Is this fair? He wondered as he prepared himself. Scott had clearly wanted him to, and it was obvious he let Logan fuck him in the past, and still… was he taking advantage of-

Scott straddled his waist and all logic flew out the window.

He sank into Scott with his eyes closed, amazed by the mind blowing pleasure from such a simple thing.

It’s been forever, he reminded himself. That, and Scott felt incredibly good. Tasted good too, and Logan couldn’t stop kissing him.

“Ahh… aww… yes…” he never had it so good, and he couldn’t help but moaning loudly, his toes curling, his feet tingling… he was so close already!

“Turn around!” he pulled out, wanting it to last.

Scott rolled on to all fours and taking firm hold of the slim waist, Logan sank back in. It felt like coming home, like the best thing ever. God damned Scott Summers, who would have thought?

He closed his eyes, letting the usual stuff play in his head;

‘Aren’t you gonna welcome me home?’

And that pout… how he wanted to fuck Scott’s mouth right there and then… 'that’s it pretty boy, that's more like it… on your knees… right here, we’re not going anywhere… take it…suck it good...'

Gripping Scott’s waist hard enough to bruise, he used his hold to slam Scott against him, getting him to forcefully meet his every thrust. Loud, hot, alive… Scott was moaning too, alive, alive, alive…

They were alive and he never had it so good and-

He slammed Scott onto his pelvic one last time and held him there as he emptied himself into him. Pleasure rippled up his abs, down his legs. Sweat ran down his back.

Alive, alive, alive…

He pulled Scott down with him, so tired now he was barely conscious.

“Logan?” Scott asked. He looked worried.

What was there to worry about? They were alive. Charles’ plan had worked.


“Is everything alright?”

“Yeah… I think it is.”

‘There’s another thing Logan. I hate to burden you with so much, I know you have enough on your mind… But this also concerns the team. You and Scott... you’re going through a bit of a… well a crisis I suppose.’


‘There’s a new member on the team. Remy Lebeau. He’s into you. He’s doing his best to get you to leave Scott.’

‘I… Did I?’

‘No. You were faithful. But Scott is on edge and it burdens you both. I suppose that’s why he responded so coldly earlier today. He and Remy are at each other’s throats. I had to split the x-men and let Ororo lead Remy’s team. I just thought you should know this before you meet him.’


“I love you.” Scott said, bringing Logan back to the present, but he looked so sad. Logan got it now. Why him caressing Jean’s face would cause Scott to feel so insecure.

“Me too.” Logan said and it was true. One way or the other, he did love Scott. Enough to never want to see him this sad again.

He pressed his lips to Scott’s forehead.

He’ll sort out this mess.

But first thing first. Hugging Scott Summers, he closed his eyes. Shortly after he fell asleep.

He didn’t dream of drowning that day, not even once.

The End
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