Apr 13, 2011 03:00
- 12:01:50: 4 of 5 stars to Burn Bright by Marianne de Pierres http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/159394560
- 13:35:25: I'm sick and work ordered me to stay home. Why isn't Jerry Springer on TV?! #HoldoverFromUniLife #DontJudgeMe
- 13:37:11: Oh wait! Dirty Jobs is on #NeverMind
- 14:39:54: Oh hai there first episode of #Buffy.
- 14:40:45: Wait what?! Eric Balfour is in this?! That's awesome, he's so little! (I seem to be finding all his old stuff this week by random).
- 14:56:38: @ secretbutterfly Agreed XD I may be crushing on him a little...
- 15:51:19: I need to go back to work. Daytime TV programming is brainwashing me.
- 15:51:44: And yes, I'm aware it hasn't even been a day yet.
- 16:00:49: RT @BoobsRadley: Is there some kind of special appreciation day for people who fact check and correct tweets? No? Cool, somebody tell them.
- 17:09:27: @ trishphegor :(
- 18:17:26: @ pseudicide When you run out of episodes? ;)
- 19:04:22: O...k.... coughing up a lung I'm way to familiar with. But coughing till I throw up is completely new and not cool! Dear body. GET BETTER!
- 19:23:08: On the other hand, my voice is returning to somewhat average levels. Although I won't be yelling for a bit.
- 19:30:37: @ pseudicide @douglasbot And here we were trying to keep it on the down low. Damn viruses letting the cat out of the bag.
- 19:31:09: @ pseudicide Nuh, I sent Anna a message, but then work sent me home so it was a no from me after all that :(
- 19:32:55: Asked work if they needed me in. I got a 'we're screwed, but you're coughing so stay the hell away from us and go see your doctor'.
- 19:38:36: @ pseudicide I kinda am, I hate being home sick and not passed out, which is my usual state. Boo. But you! Are you feeling better!?
- 19:38:54: @ douglasbot #yousmoothtalkeryou
- 20:31:14: @ thepiecemaker I forget to sign in #whoops I'd totally chat with you but I'm more coughing than talking atm :(
- 20:53:47: Dear 2011 Melbourne Comedy Roadshow. Can you pretty please send @ StephenKAmos to Cairns . You know you want too. - Me.
- 21:15:46: I'm taking my friend to his very first con later in the year. He's trying to convince me we should do VIP/Gold passes. #IHaveNoWillPower
- 21:29:26: @ pseudicide Unsure yet. Either Brisnova in Nov, or Melgeddon in Oct. But need more info before I can pick one. Are you going to one/both?
- 21:29:51: @ hanrahannn I love you xo
- 21:59:43: #PetPeeve People I know who are intelligent and can spell. Not spelling correctly and using 'txtspk' Argh. Makes me not want to talk to you.
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