Apr 01, 2011 03:00
15:11:19 : @ magnavox_23 any good!? 15:20:58 : Christopher Lloyd just cancelled *supermassivesadface* 15:31:05 : @ Pepe_le_Quoi @magnavox_23 ;) 16:28:14 : I think I accidentally overcaffienated myself. #whoops #HyperactiveMuch 18:20:23 : Thank you body combat for effectively killing off the manic edge of my hyperactivity. 19:00:11 : RT @InkyOwl: Is looking forward to an awesome weekend with @ SG_Dingo !!! So much glomping to be had! 19:29:17 : DAMN YOU INTERNETS STOP DISTRACTING ME I NEED TO PACK LIKE RIGHT NOW ARGH! But maybe some dinner first... 19:35:58 : Dear Twitter, thank you for making my absolute week by saying that @ niallmatter and @nianehaders are 'more like' me. #amusedandimpressed 19:36:37 : Dear self, I know you're trying to break your hashtag habit, but replacing # with @'s is not helping any. Please try harder - Me 19:41:49 : @ magnavox_23 HELL YES! I SHALL SEE YOU TOMORROW!! #NopeStillHaveNotFinishedPacking 19:48:08 : Whoops I totally meant @nadinehaders. #stillamused 19:54:18 : Not wanting me to go? Or trying to make me pack? http://yfrog.com/h3q71htj 20:49:38 : I seriously don't know what I want to wear the next few days. #StupidClothingDilemma #SomeoneComePackForMePlease 20:58:09 : Scratch that I'M FREAKING DONE PACKING! You may now go back to your regularly scheduled non-whining tweets. 21:45:12 : @ InkyOwl Yeah and by finished packing I mean 'have to actually throw selections into suitcase' you know... sometime before tomorrow. :) 22:28:05 : @ a1kitkat Mine too! 23:09:44 : @ a1kitkat I had made progress. and then I went backwards. It's a good thing I knew I wasn't getting any sleep tonight anyway. 23:10:39 : @ a1kitkat Tossin up between normal tshirts and nerdy tshirts. Atm normal seems to be winning, which sorta defeats the purpose of the weekend 23:29:54 : I'm really not sure what's worse. Breaking in new shoes or breaking in new jeans. Tweets copied by