Hey, guys. Slightly nervous here. It's been forever since I've written SG-1, but I decided to take a stab at it again, so I think I'm back after my disappearance from the comm. *hangs head in shame*
This is silly, but I think Stargate needs to be silly for me right now.
Link table to all 29 chapters on
Title: The Best Laid Plans
Author: Lionchilde
Summary: AU Now he, Jack, and Cam were busy trying to get the light display on the outside of the cabin to stop saying Merry Y-Mas.
Rating: G
Length: Around 1000 words
Category: Humor
Pairings/Charaters: Daniel/Vala, Sam/Jack, team friendship
A/N: Part 29 of The Games People Play. The series follows current canon to the end of 10x09, Company of Thieves. Chapter takes place a few days before Christmas. Written for
sg_challenges and
Read Chapter 29 here