Title: On Purpose (drabble)
Rating: PG
Challenge #26: "Walking" ("Feet" optional)
Warnings: Very minor spoilers for "Sateda" and "Phantoms."
Summary: Rodney complains. (So what else is new?)
I swear, Sheppard always parks the puddlejumper miles away for no reason. In the early days of the expedition, he claimed he wanted his team to stay in shape. Now he doesn't even bother giving some lame excuse.
It's not the walking itself that I mind so much. For awhile at the beginning, my feet hurt like hell, but now I barely notice. No, now it's the sharp stabbing pain in my ass from that stupid arrow! Okay, okay, so it's only a twinge. But it's a really painful twinge!
The son of a bitch probably does it on purpose.