This post has been building for a couple of weeks and now it's time for a bit of a vent/rant.
So from the little bits I've seen on my f-list (mostly through episode comms and icons that have been made, if you can believe it!) some of the SGA fandom appears to be up in arms about SG1 being cancelled and the idea of having the cast move over to Pegasus Galaxy.
Yes, SG1 has been cancelled. That's common knowledge. But why are people immediately jumping on the idea that because it's a longer running show/better show/more well known/what-the-hell-ever that TPTB will be transferring the cast from SG1 over to SGA and it will become a 'crossover' show? I've seen no evidence that they're planning to do this.
Yes, I heard about Amanda Tapping where they said they were honouring her contract (for another year - ie if SG1 season 11 had gone ahead) and will have her for some guest roles... but why are people assuming it's going to be a regular cast role?? Why can't it just be a guest role (even an occasional recurring one)?? Have people considered that maybe Amanda wouldn't WANT a full-time regular cast position and would like to be a mostly full-time Mum instead?? (Not to mention the fact that she DOES have other projects going at the moment, as noted
here, second last para.)
As for the rest of the SG-1 cast, isn't it just as probable (in fact, more likely) that they might be interested in looking for other work/new characters? (Especially Chris and Michael who have been there for so long...) Why is there an automatic assumption of "Oh, well, SG-1 is done so they'll OBVIOUSLY come over to ruin 'our' show." Sorry, but I'm really really not buying that.
Also, please let's keep in mind that while the SG-1 series is being cancelled there ARE going to be direct-to-DVD movies being made - two, the reports are saying. This could be the perfect opportunity to tie up some loose ends not only with the Ori storyline,
as announced by Brad Wright, but with some of the characters as well. So please, just hold your horses with the OMG ONOOOEES attitude about SG-1 actors being transitioned over to the SGA cast.
Basically, I guess what this all boils down to is have a little faith. You've been happy (or mostly happy, barring a few things) with the show for the last 2 and a half seasons. TRUST that the writers, etc KNOW what they are doing. Brad Wright and Rob Cooper have made the conscious effort to keep these shows separate and I can't see them wanting to upset the status quo THAT much when the show is doing so well. Don't immediately jump to the wrong conclusions. You usually end up being wrong and looking like an ass. :)
I was also going to talk about the Carson thing but that's a whole other headache brewing kettle of fish, and I'm not ready to broach that topic just yet. But the message is the same - for crying out loud, just have a little faith!