SGA Season 2 Finale

Jan 31, 2006 23:11


OH MY FREAKIN' GOD!!!!!!! WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?

Oh fuck. Oh FUCK.

Fuckity fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkk. They are SO. SCREWED!

That was essentially my mantra from the time the Daedelus jumped into the meeting ground at the end. Holy crap on a stick!!

I mean, the whole feeding on their own kind was creepy and bad enough, and you just KNEW they had to have another angle. Teyla was spot on - "They're Wraith." Why oh why oh WHY did they just take them at their word?

And how much of a monumentally BAD idea was it to have Rodney aboard that ship? I mean, even WITHOUT knowing what was going to happen, that's just one of the worst ideas in the history of bad ideas (if you'll allow me to poach that Ian Malcolm line). Bad, bad, bad. And these are meant to be some of the brightest people on the planet!!

And John. Holy FRAK! WTF?? I'm going to go with he somehow jumped into hyperspace with the ships. But is that even possible?? I know on other sci-fi series, smaller ships were able to jump into a hyperspace window if they were close enough the main ship, but has anything ever been made definitive on that for Atlantis?? And if he hasn't jumped with the other ships then... wtf?? Plus there were two darts on his six. They disappeared off the Daedelus' screens as well, didn't they?

My brain is still very much in the "OMGOMGOMGOMGGOMGOMGOMG" stage, so I can't really put anything else down. But I did like the moments with Beckett and Zelenka and MaleWraith, who I'm going to call Ray, when they were trying to explain things to him. Funneh.

Right. I need to go and calm down now. Yep. Hm. *leg bounces uncontrollably under desk*

geekage, tv: sga

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