2013 Ficathon Frenzy master list

Nov 05, 2013 11:54

Here's the list of contributions to this year's Ficathon Frenzy, in alphabetical order by title:

Once Upon a Ha'tak, by campylobacter. Daniel and Vala.

The Pool, by maria_priest. George and Walter.

The Study of Man, by marzipan77. Daniel and Lya.

Two Wrongs, No Right, by sg_wonderland. Daniel and Steven Raynor.

If you missed the master list for the regular ficathon, you'll find it here.

With that, the 2013 sg1friendathon draws to an official close. We had a great turnout and lots of wonderful stories. Thanks again to all the participants who made this such a success, and to my fellow mod, Suzannemarie, especially for stepping up while I was away. If you archive your stories on AO3, Suzannemarie has set up a collection for the ficathon where you can link your stories.

Here's to SG-1 fandom, friendship, and gen squee!

ficathon frenzy, 2013, master list

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