We have now completed two weeks of this year's Friendship Ficathon! Here are the links to this week's stories:
Ripples of Hours, by Kayim. Janet and Martouf.
Bygones and Proper Introductions, by Stringertheory. Daniel and Teal'c.
Schooled, by jackwabbit. Cam and Teal'c.
Phone Calls from a Friendship, by Ami Ven. Jack and Vala.
Clear As Crystal (If you’re Daniel, which we’re not), by Lokei. Nyan and Robert Rothman.
At the Beginning, by Da Angel. Jack and George Hammond.
A Surprise Addition to the Family, by Rachel500. Vala and Carolyn Lam.
The round-up for week one can be found
If you signed up for a second fic for the ficathon, please remember that your extension ends by midnight tonight. We'll be giving you all more details regarding the Ficathon Frenzy sometime in the coming week.