Week Two of friendship fics!

Aug 14, 2011 23:01

We have now completed two weeks of this year's Friendship Ficathon! Here are the links to this week's stories:

Ripples of Hours, by Kayim. Janet and Martouf.

Bygones and Proper Introductions, by Stringertheory. Daniel and Teal'c.

Schooled, by jackwabbit. Cam and Teal'c.

Phone Calls from a Friendship, by Ami Ven. Jack and Vala.

Clear As Crystal (If you’re Daniel, which we’re not), by Lokei. Nyan and Robert Rothman.

At the Beginning, by Da Angel. Jack and George Hammond.

A Surprise Addition to the Family, by Rachel500. Vala and Carolyn Lam.

The round-up for week one can be found here.

If you signed up for a second fic for the ficathon, please remember that your extension ends by midnight tonight. We'll be giving you all more details regarding the Ficathon Frenzy sometime in the coming week.

week of fic

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