Category of stories I beta-read: Most, especially SMUT :D
I won't beta-read: Crossovers for fandoms I'm not interested in; Beagles; Original Character PoV (Don't assume you can sneak your self-insertion past me; 3 authors have tried.)
Pairings I beta-read: Most (het, f/f & m/m slash, multiples BRING IT)
Pairings I won't beta: incest (unless you wanna give Ra/Hathor a shot)
If not pairing oriented, character fics I'd beta: Most
If not pairing oriented, character fics I won't beta: Mary Sue, Gary Stu
Type of beta I can do: Grammar, spelling, usage; Story construction; Thematic analysis; Canon
Length of the fics you'd beta: Any, but bear in mind that asking anyone to con-crit a novel-length story in less than a week is pretty freakin' arrogant.
Preferred formats:
Preferred correspondence via:
- Google Docs (Try it! It allows real-time editing, highlighting, & multiple editors!)
- email with attachments (
- LiveJournal private message as a last resort
I WILL NOT proof-read via a Chat window. (No, seriously. Someone tried. Drove me nuts until I finally refused.)