Beta services offered

Sep 27, 2007 11:34

Category of the fics you'd beta: (Action/ Humor/ Drama/ Team/ Crossover/ Fluff/ Slash/ Gen/ Het/ Threesome/ Mpreg/ Deathfic/ PWP/ Smut/ BDSM/ Non-con/ Any…)  Action/Humor/Drama/Team/Fluff/Gen/Het/Slash/PWP/Smut
Category of the fics you won't beta: (Action/ Humor/ Drama/ Team/ Crossover/ Fluff/ Slash/ Gen/ Het/ Threesome/ Mpreg/ Deathfic/ PWP/ Smut/ BDSM/ Non-con/ none…) Non-con, Mpreg, deathfic, Threesome (exception Jack/Sam/Daniel)
Pairing of the fics you'd beta (if applicable): (Jack/Daniel, Jack/Sam... the possibilities are infinite) Jack/Daniel, Jack/Sam/Daniel, team, gen, Jack/Sara, Daniel/Sha're, Sam/Teal'c
Pairing of the fics you won't beta (if applicable): (Jack/Daniel, Jack/Sam... the possibilities are infinite) Jack/Sam, Daniel/Vala
If not pairing oriented, character fics you'd beta: (Jack, Daniel, Sam, Teal'c, all...) All
If not pairing oriented, character fics you won't beta: (Jack, Daniel, Sam, Teal'c, none...)
Type of beta you'd do: (grammar/ spelling/ plot…)Anything, but depends on type/length of fic and amount of time I have.
Length of the fics you'd beta: (Drabble/ Stand-alone/ Multi-chapter/ Novel-length…) Any, but see caveats above.

drama, pwp, action, fluff, het, smut, gen, humor, slash, team

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