Stargate Peeps in Toronto - An Update

Aug 03, 2011 11:07

Joe Mallozzi reported on July 31 (sorry for the delay!):

Also in attendance that night, coming in about an hour after our seating… [Picture: "Hey! It's Marty G.!"] [Picture: "And the gorgeous Jewel Staite."]

It’s a veritable Stargate reunion in Toronto! And it just keeps getting bigger. The cavalry heads into town tomorrow night in the form of my buddy Carl Binder who’ll be riding in to lend us some much-needed support on The Transporter. Also got word from Michael Shanks that he’ll be coming back into town to film a guest spot on another locally-shot series - well in advance of his planned return for the August Fan Expo (August 25th-28th) with wife Lexa Doig. Get your tickets now!

actor: jewel staite, actor: michael shanks

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