Title: Five things that happened on Destiny that were never reported to Homeworld Command Author: Shenandoah Risu Rating: T Content Flags: things nobody wants to talk about Spoilers: miniscule ones for Season 2 Characters: The Destiny Crew Word Count: 1,088 Summary: Needless to say, nobody dared to report it to Homeworld Command. Author's Notes: Written for prompt set #143 at sg1_five_things. Disclaimer: I don't own SGU. I wouldn't know what to do with it. Now, Young... Young I'd know what to do with. ;-) Thanks for reading! Feedback = Love. ;-) Please leave comments at my LJ if it's not too much trouble.
Five things that happened on Destiny that were never reported to Homeworld Command sidljFebruary 25 2012, 18:01:16 UTC
The five alien flies that snuck on board along with a crate of fruit, and spread alien sex pollen all over the place with their tiny, evil little feet. Destiny has since been disinfected, but a whole lot of people can't look each other in the eye yet
( ... )
Awww, Riley... wneleh wrote an absolutely fantastic story about Young seeing Riley's ghost (http://wneleh.livejournal.com/500848.html ), so I'm totally buying that one! But I loved all of them a lot, and I can see them all happening! Thanks for sharing!
Comments 12
Author: Shenandoah Risu
Rating: T
Content Flags: things nobody wants to talk about
Spoilers: miniscule ones for Season 2
Characters: The Destiny Crew
Word Count: 1,088
Summary: Needless to say, nobody dared to report it to Homeworld Command.
Author's Notes: Written for prompt set #143 at sg1_five_things.
Disclaimer: I don't own SGU. I wouldn't know what to do with it. Now, Young... Young I'd know what to do with. ;-)
Thanks for reading! Feedback = Love. ;-)
Please leave comments at my LJ if it's not too much trouble.
Five things that happened on Destiny that were never reported to Homeworld Command
Poor Destiny crew! That last one must have been heartbreaking.
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