Prompt 79.04

Sep 03, 2009 13:29

Five people Jack kisses at his retirement party (after he's had a few).

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set 79, jack o'neill, prompts

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Sweeter Than Wine 2/2 chattycatsmeow September 14 2009, 01:43:24 UTC
(continued from above)

Jack wandered toward the living room, greeting people along the way. He passed Walter Harriman and Sergeant Siler in a heated conversation about British comedy. Apparently Harriman couldn't believe that Siler had never seen The Benny Hill Show and was trying to spark some recognition from Siler.

"Sketch comedy? Had a little bald guy for a sidekick? Benny used to pat him on the head?" Harriman gestured emphatically, slopping his drink over the edge of the cup, but Siler kept shaking his head no.

Jack tossed back the last of the whiskey and decided to help out. "Like this, Siler!" Jack patted the top of Harriman's bald head rapidly three times then leaned down and gave it a loud smacking kiss.

"Oh, that guy!" said Siler.

"Yes!" With a nod to Jack, Harriman said "Thank you, sir!"

He went back to his conversation with Siler and Jack resumed his forward progress. The living room was, if anything, more crowded than the rest of the house. Teal'c, Mitchell and Vala were over in one corner talking energetically. While Sam had opened her house for the party, it had been Vala that had gotten everything organized.

The friendship between the women had surprised Jack at first since the two seemed so very different. But over the years, Vala's effusiveness had encouraged Carter to loosen up and enjoy herself more, while Carter's staid nature had helped rein Vala in. As odd as it looked from the outside, it worked. The same could be said of him and Daniel, though he didn't think Carter and Vala would ever move beyond friendship, especially given the way they both looked at Mitchell.

"Enjoying the party, sir?" Carter brought his attention back to the two people in front of him.

"Very much, Carter."

He handed Daniel his empty cup, took Carter's half-full one out of her grip and gave that to Daniel too, then pulled her in for a big hug.

As she relaxed into his arms, he whispered, "Thank you for my party. Thank you for being one of the best colleagues and friends I ever had. I love you, you know that, right?" He moved his head back to look at her. "I'm a maudlin old fool, but I just want to make sure you know."

She looked a bit misty eyed as she smiled back at him. "I know, sir. Same here."

"Good." Jack kissed her on the cheek and let her go.

Daniel handed back their cups, then kissed Carter on the cheek too.

"Same goes for me, Sam." Daniel squeezed her shoulder affectionately.

Carter glanced at Jack for a moment and he knew exactly what she was thinking. In unison, he and Carter leaned forward. Carter planted a kiss on Daniel's right cheek while Jack did the same on the left. Daniel blushed but looked pleased.

Jack would love kiss Daniel properly, but this was neither the time nor the place since retirement alone was not enough to appease the monster that was Don't Ask Don't Tell. Jack would have had to resign his commission entirely, thereby giving up every bit of his pension, all of his medical benefits, and every other benefit that should have been his by right. Besides, Jack had kissed Daniel very soundly last night. In several places besides his lips. And that had just been for starters. Another year, maybe two at the most, and Daniel would retire as well and join him at the cabin. That's when the best part of his life would begin.

For now, though, Jack was surrounded by family and friends all happily celebrating his new status as gentleman of leisure and really, what more could a man want?



Re: Sweeter Than Wine 2/2 _xanthia September 15 2009, 05:19:09 UTC
I like the definite feel to this, as if we're following Jack as he wanders around. Quite awesome visuals, really.

(And giving Davis promotions, weeee! We all love Major Davis, don't we?)


Re: Sweeter Than Wine 2/2 chattycatsmeow September 16 2009, 23:32:47 UTC
Thanks for the comment! I totally heart Major Davis.


Re: Sweeter Than Wine 2/2 sidlj September 15 2009, 20:47:43 UTC
OMG, it's the Trust that's been screwing over Paul Davis? :-D I'm certainly glad Jack's helped him make up for lost time. Cool.

Sweet little Daniel-sandwich, there. (as opposed to the porny kind of sandwich!)

The future looks bright. And maybe that pesky DADT will become part of dusty history books and then Jack and Daniel can show the world what two heroes in love with each other look like. *gets misty*


Re: Sweeter Than Wine 2/2 chattycatsmeow September 16 2009, 23:36:49 UTC
Yes! The Trust! Evil-doers extraordinaire, right down to conspiracy and connivance to block a good man at every turn! It's the only logical explanation! :D

Sometimes I just get a hankering for a sweet sandwich, though I'm getting misty with you at the last comment. ::happy sigh::


Re: Sweeter Than Wine 2/2 happydog57 September 21 2009, 03:32:12 UTC

Yay! You promoted Paul Davis! About time and good idea on why it hadn't happened before.

I like the nod to the fact that Jack's retirement doesn't solve all the DADT problems. But the way you wrote about them just quietly stealing away together and Jack looking forward to that time was so sweet.


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