Six! foods members of SG-1 can't stand, part 1fyereFebruary 3 2009, 18:18:53 UTC
1. Daniel can't stand fish of any kind or description. No tuna, no shrimp, nothing with crawly legs that scuttles across the ocean floor, no salmon or squid or cod or mussels or anything, no matter how much anyone tries to cajole him into just one bite or persuade him of the utter deliciousness he's missing out on. He doesn't care. The best times of his life have been when he's lived in the middle of the desert with no bodies of water nearby and therefore no having to make fish a part of his diet.
He secretly likes fishing in Jack's pond because nobody ever catches anything. And he's fond of the tropical fish in his fishtank. He just doesn't want to eat them, okay?
2. Sam doesn't like green food. It sounds childish, but there it is. She eats plenty of fruit and vegetables. Just not the ones that are green. She thinks it might stem from one period when her family had lived in the same house long enough for her mother to have a garden and she and her brother had ended up with mounds of beans and kale and broccoli on their plates at every meal for an entire summer - like childhood hell.
The exceptions to this are iceberg lettuce (she likes the watery crunchiness of it, and it's not too green) and things that are green on the outside but not on the inside - watermelon, apples (which she peels), zucchini (as long as the rind is gone), that sort of thing. Honeydew melon, on the other hand, which is the opposite, feels like a betrayal to her - a nice pale yellow on the outside, and, when cut open, a heart of green. Evil. Same with kiwifruit.
One day, when she has the time to look after it, she'll plant a garden in her yard, and she'll grow tomatoes and squash and beets and cantaloupes and be perfectly happy.
3. Vala cannot abide marshmallows. In cocoa, burned over a campfire on a stick, squished together with crackers and chocolate - no, thank you. They look harmless enough in a bag, soft and white, but you put one in your mouth and it's like chalky, nasty, dusty skin. And then you bite into it, and it's all squishy and spongy and sort of melts but doesn't properly dissolve, and even the 'dessert' payoff isn't that good because it's sort of sweet but has no other real taste besides awfulness. She's never encountered any food like it - and hopes she never does again.
He secretly likes fishing in Jack's pond because nobody ever catches anything. And he's fond of the tropical fish in his fishtank. He just doesn't want to eat them, okay?
2. Sam doesn't like green food. It sounds childish, but there it is. She eats plenty of fruit and vegetables. Just not the ones that are green. She thinks it might stem from one period when her family had lived in the same house long enough for her mother to have a garden and she and her brother had ended up with mounds of beans and kale and broccoli on their plates at every meal for an entire summer - like childhood hell.
The exceptions to this are iceberg lettuce (she likes the watery crunchiness of it, and it's not too green) and things that are green on the outside but not on the inside - watermelon, apples (which she peels), zucchini (as long as the rind is gone), that sort of thing. Honeydew melon, on the other hand, which is the opposite, feels like a betrayal to her - a nice pale yellow on the outside, and, when cut open, a heart of green. Evil. Same with kiwifruit.
One day, when she has the time to look after it, she'll plant a garden in her yard, and she'll grow tomatoes and squash and beets and cantaloupes and be perfectly happy.
3. Vala cannot abide marshmallows. In cocoa, burned over a campfire on a stick, squished together with crackers and chocolate - no, thank you. They look harmless enough in a bag, soft and white, but you put one in your mouth and it's like chalky, nasty, dusty skin. And then you bite into it, and it's all squishy and spongy and sort of melts but doesn't properly dissolve, and even the 'dessert' payoff isn't that good because it's sort of sweet but has no other real taste besides awfulness. She's never encountered any food like it - and hopes she never does again.
Between #3 and #1 I'm thinking of the line in the Christine Lavin song about how eating sushi is like chewing on your own cheek. *g*
I like Sam viewing honeydew melon as a betrayal.
Oh, Vala.
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