Although we're hoping this comm will inspire lots of new happy endings to to share, some wonderful takes on the idea have already been written. We'll be collecting links to happy!endings here, and updating as we go.
We are always looking for new fics to rec so if you've read one and liked it, please drop a link in a comment so we can add it, and everyone else can like it too! As always, any pairing, any rating, and any length is fine. The more variety, the better!
Happy!Endings -- Fic Recs
On Next PageAuthor: The Grrrl
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Daniel, Sam/Pete, Team
Rating/Warnings: PG; AU post-Threads.
Summary: A glimpse into one possible not-too-distant future for SG-1.
"Here, let me take that, sir," she says, reaching for the Jack's empty plate.
Jack holds it just out of her reach. "Jack," he says, enunciating carefully. "Jaaaaack."
"Jack," she repeats with a smile. It's been months now, but she's still not used it and the reminder makes her feel oddly self-conscious.
Rough WindsAuthor/Characters:
mirabile-dictuPairing: Jack/Daniel
Rating/Warnings: PG-13, for a little language.
Summary: "I didn't miss your birthday, Jack. I had Sam give it to you, remember?"
"Yes, and a lovely crystal vase it was, too." It hadn't been crystal or a vase, but Daniel didn't contradict him; he just smiled and nodded. "But I didn't ask if you knew when my birthday was. I asked if you knew how old I was."
"Yep. A good round number, don't you think?"
"Shit, Jack." Daniel stared at his plaid shirt. "You retired."
mz_bstonePairing/Characters: Jack/Daniel/Sam
Rating/Warnings: R -- warning for major character death
Summary: The sound of many voices, some singing, pulled Jack from his attempt at gardening around the side of the two-room cabin they'd notched together hurriedly with local help when they'd first been stranded. He walked out to meet what looked like the whole village, with seedlings still in his dirty hands. "Carter, Daniel! I think we're having a barn-raising and a hootenanny."
Rec Note: I was hesitant to list this, because a member of the team doesn't survive the fic, and so the ending, however happy, is more than a little bittersweet. That being said, it is an ending, and they are happy, and it is a beautifully crafted story. So, there you have it.
They Won't Fade AwayAuthor:
svendraPairing/Characters: Team, v. 1.0 and 2.0
Rating/Warnings: PG
Summary: "Looks like you're about to lose your little team," Vala said to Cameron.
Cameron scowled at her. "You know what? Forget us. What are you planning to do? I don't see no green card."
Vala thought about it. She had acquired many cards. There had to be a green one in there. "Don't you worry about me. I have a plan."
"Let me guess," Daniel with a smile. "It involves stealing something."
Vala gave a big grin. Everyone looked worried.
Home from HereAuthor:
merryishPairing/Characters: Jack/Daniel
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Summary: Twilight was ridiculously beautiful, clear and cool and bright with familiar stars. With the wind on his face and the clean smell of pine filling up his lungs, Jack had a flash of off-world. Earth was grey walls and grey halls, fluorescent lights and recycled air. It was like culture shock sometimes, leaving the base through the wrong door and ending up on the alien planet he was born on. He was looking forward to getting reacquainted with his native soil.
"You need to stop at the grocery store?"
Jack looked at Daniel. "Do I need to worry? Are you guys going to have me put away? Because I have a lot of very good years left, you know. I'm retiring, not dying."
So Long, Farewell, See You AroundAuthor: Tallulah Rasa
Pairing/Characters: mostly Jack and Daniel, but also Teal'c and Sam. And Maybourne, at one point.
Rating/Warnings: PG. One incident of major character deaths, but oddly enough, quite happy nonetheless.
Summary: "Seven alternate realities, seven Jacks, seven variations on a theme. Season 8-ish, mostly." Over 300k.
Rec Note: Some of these are happier than others, but everyone turns out pretty much okay at the end of each of them. The snippet below is from my favorite.
"These are hieroglyphs along the top," Sam said, running her finger along the smooth metal.
"But the writing down the right side - is that Ancient?" Jack asked.
"Yeah," Daniel said. "And the left side-"
"Appears to be the runes of the Asgard," Teal'c said.
Jack squinted at the frame in his hands, and then turned it over. "It's beautiful, Daniel. But…no translation?"
"It says, SG-1," Daniel said, gauging their reactions with an eyebrow shimmy only slightly less pronounced than it would have been in the old days. "We explored the universe and ate pie." He took a sip from his cup.
No one said anything for a minute, and then Sam said, "Indeed", and Daniel's coffee went up his nose.
Moebius TwistAuthor:
telepathicpixiePairing/Characters: Team.
Rating/Warnings: G
Summary: Drabble, AU Moebius ending. Fishing by the pond... all of them.
FootnoteAuthor: Corby
Pairing/Characters: Team.
Rating/Warnings: PG
Summary: "It's nice to meet you, Doctor Jackson," Denise said, extending her hand. "You're here for the festivities too?"
An inane opening, but Daniel knew all too well the rigours and pitfalls of polite conversation, so he gave her a break and nodded. "I used to work at the SGC with General Hammond. With SG1, as a matter of fact." He had no idea why he added that last, and he knew almost at once that it was a mistake.
"Ah. That must have been exciting." But the woman was looking at him doubtfully, and her smile was becoming more brittle. "I declare, I have met so many people today who say they used to work at the SGC, and not one of them was mentioned in Doctor Rayner's book." She gave a light laugh. "I suppose he'll just have to write another one. Have you read it? Sooo fascinating."
jennghis-kahnPairing/Characters: Jack/Daniel/Sam
Rating/Warnings: PG
Summary: “We… the SGC needs you, Jack.” Carter corrected herself at the last second. There was that same affection in her eyes that he’d witnessed from time to time over the years. Never often enough.
He tried to stay grumpy. “You lost the ‘sir’ awfully fast, Carter.”
“You’re retired, sir,” she reminded him with a hint of irritation. “I was hoping we could move beyond that.”
“Yeah,” he agreed with sigh. “Sounds a little kinky when it’s not in context.”