SG-1 Debrief - Stargate SG-1 Newsletter - Issue 0011.5 - 12/13/2006

Dec 13, 2006 18:52

A full issue is posted every two weeks. A half issue with announcements and new episode reviews is posted in the off week.


sg1_debrief is now on hiatus. We will return to regular publication with a full issue on 01/10/2007.

We will not be tagging posts during the hiatus. If you post something during that time and want it to be included in the 01/10/2007 issue, you will need to submit it to sg1debrief @ gmail . com

Have a happy holiday season!


cyren_2132 is looking for questions for a Stargate Trivial Pursuit game.
stargatehush: Screencap challenge: Nightwalkers and Theme challenge: Carter and McKay.
stargate100 challenge: Christmas decorations.
sg1_five_things prompt: Five rules Jack wishes generals could make.
sg1_five_things prompt: Five things Daniel 'dug' up.
sg1_five_things prompt: Five people Vala conned.
sg1_five_things prompt: Five ways to tell Daniel and Cameron apart in the dark.
sg1_five_things prompt: Five winter-holiday gifts Daniel got that Jack never admitted came from him.
sg1_five_things prompt: Five winter-holiday gifts Jack got that Daniel never admitted came from him.
sg1_five_things prompt: Four things Teal'c doesn't understand about Christmas, and one he does.
sg1_five_things prompt: Five times Sam got the team to watch her favorite Christmas shows with her.
sg1_five_things prompt: Five annual traditions that take place at the SGC in December.

Stuff we missed last issue:

Eclipsed Part 10 by janedavitt. Jack/Paul.
Reporting for Duty by janedavitt. Jack/Paul.
Black by brainofck. Jack/Daniel. PG-13.
Five reasons Jack took the job in Washington by starting_gate.
Five things Daniel remembers from when he was Ascended, but hasn't admitted to by starting_gate.
Five things SG-1 did on Daniel's birthday the year he was Ascended by starting_gate.
Five things Siler left Jack in his will by starting_gate.

Disclaimer: If we have missed including your story/post/icons/vids/etc., be assured that it was not intentional. Our aim is to fully represent SG-1 fandom, so please feel free to send us an email or respond to the comments of the current issue with anything we missed and it will be included in the next issue.

If you want to submit a link, or you want to opt out of being linked, please see the instructions on the community info page.

admin, issues_2006

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