SG-1 Debrief 2017 Stargate SG-1 Friending Meme

Jan 01, 2017 19:56

With our fandom getting smaller and smaller, we’d love for those of us still here to be able to find each other and connect through mutual interests. So we’re posting a Stargate SG-1 friending meme to help us find each other a little easier and share our love for Stargate! Just copy paste the meme from the box below into your comment and fill in the questions if you wish to participate!

LJ username: LJ username
DW username: DW username
Ao3 username: Ao3 username
Facebook: Facebook username
Tumblr: Tumblr username
Twitter: Twitter username
Website: website name

Favourite episode/s?:
Favourite SG-1 character/s and why?:
Favourite pairings, OT3s etc?:
What do you do in the Stargate fandom? (fic writer, artist, reader, etc) :
What do you wish to find more of in the Stargate fandom?:
Do you read the Fandemonium tie in novels?:
Do you listen to the Big Finish tie in audio books?:
Do you run any Stargate related communities?:

What other fandoms are you into/participate in?:
Other fandom pairings?:
What are your current favourite TV shows, movies or books?:
What kind of music are you into?:
Favourite books?:
Favourite movies?:
Hobbies or interests (can be related to fandom or no):
Anything else you’d like to share?:


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