Please note that while we try to note spoilers in meta posts where possible, and we try to make sure links for new material like the movies are categorised separately and clearly labelled, we can't guarantee that posts are spoiler-free. Follow all links at your own risks.
Challenges & Prompts
Alphabet soup coming: looking for prompts by
sg_fignewton Tok'ra Kree! Round 6 - Claiming by
queen_egeria posted in
sam_and_jack Promo - Stargate Kink Meme by
sgkinkmod posted in
stargatefic Episode, Movie Reviews and Commentaries
Episode of the Week: 'Children of the Gods' by
gateworld Fic
Mission: Minnesota by
cat_77 posted in
stargatefic Jack/Daniel Rated: PG-13
SG-1/SGA Crossovers
What The Colonel Wants by
badfalcon posted in
stargatefic Pairings: Cameron Mitchell/John Sheppard, Jack O'Neill/Cameron Mitchell/John Sheppard Rated: NC-17
Promo Pics/Screencaps/Picspam
Screencaps, Stargate SG-1: Morpheus (s10xe02) by
roeskva Screencaps, Stargate SG-1: Flesh and Blood (s10xe01) by
roeskva Screencaps, Stargate SG-1, Season 9 by
roeskva Screencaps, Stargate SG-1: Camelot (s09xe20) by
roeskva Icons
Weekend Graphics by
seshat0120 Wallpapers/Banners/Fan Art/Manips
Wallpaper: Meridian by
eilidh17 (GEN)
Manip: "Wire" by
eilidh17 posted in
sg_delights Rated: Mature
Manip: "Desert Island Moon" by
magnavox_23 posted in
sg_delights Sam/Vala Rated: R
Wallpaper: "Orange Is The New Sky" by
magnavox_23 Rated: PG
Wallpaper: Orpheus by
eilidh17 (GEN)
Wallpaper: Caveman Jack by
magnavox_23 Rated: PG
Weekend Graphics - Better Late Than Never by
seshat0120 Grab Bag
The Thing, With Zombies... by
magnavox_23 Teal'c and the King by
sg_fignewton Tok'ra Kree! - Archiving by
queen_egeria posted in
tokra_kree 2014 Recap by
sg_fignewton 2014 Fic Year in Review by
sidlj Disclaimer: If we have missed including your story/post/icons/vids/etc., be assured that it was not intentional. Our aim is to represent SG-1 fandom on Livejournal as completely as possible, so please feel free to send us an email or respond to the comments of the current issue with anything we missed and it will be included in the next issue.
If you want to submit a link, or want to opt out of being linked, please see the instructions on the community info page.