Triad | SG1 | Daniel/Jack/Sam | NC17 | 5/15

Nov 12, 2009 09:21

Title: Triad
Author: Lady Angel
Fandom: Stargate: SG1
Genre: Threesome, Het, Slash, Action, Adventure, Romance, SciFi, AU, Crossover . . . Damn, I think it pretty much covers every genre I can think of.
Pairing: Daniel/Jack/Sam (main), and various other slash and het pairings
Rating: NC17 for the sex, but for the most part PG13
Disclaimers: If you recognize the name, chances are, they aren’t mine. Also, not betaed.

Author's Note: This is an AU with later Crossovers that has both Ship, Slash, and another Threesome or two. I’m diverging from everything after the Lost City. I also haven’t seen anything after the second season of Atlantis, so everything is AU after that as well.

Oh, one last thing: I like Ferretti. I love Carson Beckett. I LOVE Jacob. Therefore, they are alive and well. Honestly, I’m picking and choosing what I want to use.

Summary: Daniel is in love with Jack. Sam is in love with Jack. Jack is in love with Daniel and Sam. What are they to do? Oh, and the rest of the world finds out that we are not alone.

Chapter Four: The Imiron

“Oh my God, they’re Klingons!”

Daniel flinched then winced then cringed as Jack stared at the people surrounding the bus. Sam and Teal’c were similarly affected. “Jack--”

“Oh for crying out loud, Daniel, I’m not gonna say it out loud to them!” Jack gestured helplessly. “But look at them!”

Daniel couldn’t help but look and silently agree. The Imironian people had prominent forehead ridges much like the Star Trek race but other than that startling feature, they were still very human.

PS Thank you to whomever nominated me for the Words on the Wind Fanfiction Awards! I'm honored you think my first foray into the SG1 fandom is worth it!
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