I had to say this

Jan 05, 2014 01:49

It's hysterically funny watching the right wing in this country freak out because the Vatican finally, out of desperation I suppose, hired a Pope who appears to be an actual Christian.  It's even funnier hearing Jesusy-type statements being called Marxist.  Um, Jesus said that stuff long before Marx.

It's been that long since the punditry bothered to pay even hypocritical lip service to what used to be "traditional Christian values" (charity, humility, kindness to the poor?  Nope, obviously doesn't ring a bell).  They no longer see a need even to pretend that they give a shit about anything or anybody but the rich.

Hubris, guys.  Surely you know what happens soon after hubris sets in?  I recommend some quick and dirty hypocritical sentimentality now. (Read Dickens if you can't remember how.  He knows you much better than you know yourself.)

And after that, for your own good, keep your gloating off the front page.  It tends to rile the peasantry.

marx, pope, right wing

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