Apr 20, 2008 20:16
Cross-posted because I thought this warranted some discussion:
I was chatting with my friend Heidi about email/online submissions vs. postal submissions. As I stated to her I don't do snail mail submissions. I have neither the time or the money. However we were both curious as to what other writers thought about this.
Now many magazines offer writers the options of both postal and email/online submission. My question is in regards to publications that don't allow for email subs at all.
I surmise that many people who also don't do snail mail subs share my sentiments. Most magazines have a rejection rate of roughly 90 to 95 percent, simply because of the gargantuan bulk of submissions they receive. With the number of submissions I shoot off, doing postal submissions would become expensive. And while I probably won't be quitting my day job to write fulltime anytime soon, I still consider it a business and for me it doesn't seem worth spending money to submit to magazines with such a high rejection rate. Emails are far more efficient and I don't see the point in using a system that's antiquated and ineffective. Besides, it's the 21st Century. Part of me wants to scream to the editors: "GET WITH THE TIMES PEOPLE."
HOWEVER!!!!!! Let me state (before my snail mail enthusiasts go postal on my ass) that I do understand why editors insist on postal submissions only. This is an effective tactic of cutting down on the slush. If writers have to spend money, they are less likely to submit crap to a publication. After all, it's easier (and cheaper) to shoot off 20 submissions via email in minutes as opposed to 20 postal submissions. Let me also state that if I happen upon a publication which I think is worth the effort of me shelling out a few bucks, I'll do it and I have done it.
So yes, an argument can be made for both sides. Personally I don't think there's really a right or wrong answer here, it's just a matter of preference. But I was curious to what other writers thought. So I ask you. Am I missing out on the party by not submitting to postal sub only publications?
Your thoughts?