Guest Post: Presenting the Cultural Imperialism Bingo Card

Jul 02, 2012 11:27

by Aliette de Bodard

If you think colonialism is dead… think again. Globalisation has indeed made the world smaller-furthering the dominance of the West over the developing world, shrinking and devaluing local cultures, and uniformising everything to Western values and Western ways of life. This is a pernicious, omnipresent state of things that leads to the same unfounded things being said, over and over, to people from developing countries and/or on developing countries.

It’s time for this to stop. Time for the hoary, horrid misrepresentation clichés to be pointed out and examined; and for genuine, non-dismissive conversations to start.

Accordingly, here’s a handy bingo card for Western Cultural Imperialism-and we wish we could say we’ve made it all up, but unfortunately every single comment on this card was seen on the Internet.

Click the card for a larger view


The Cultural Imperialism Bingo Card was designed by a group of authors frustrated at the misconceptions between developed and developing countries, as an entertaining way to start conversations about cultural imperialism online and offline. Authors are Aliette de Bodard, Joyce Chng, Kate Elliott, Rochita Loenen-Ruiz, @requireshate, Charles Tan, @automathic, and JY Yang.

Mirrored from SFWA | Comment at SFWA

sfwa blog, aliette de bodard, @requireshate, jy yang., charles tan, rochita loenen-ruiz, joyce chng, kate elliott

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