Jo Walton says,In honour of Dr Hendrix, I am declaring Monday 23rd April International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day. On this day, everyone who wants to should give away professional quality work online. It doesn't matter if it's a novel, a story or a poem, it doesn't matter if it's already been published or if it hasn't, the point is it should be disseminated online to celebrate our technopeasanthood.
Whatever you're posting should go on your own site. I'll make a post here on the day and people can post links in comments to whatever they're putting up on. If you are a member of SFWA, or SFWA qualified but not a member (like me) you get extra pixel-spattered points for doing this. If other people want to collect the links too, that would be really cool. Please disseminate this information widely.
If you would like to announce your participation here, please add your links to this post. Let us know now that you plan to participate, or on the 23rd that you have something available. If you can't come up with something new for the 23rd but already have work that's free on the web, offer the link. Everyone's welcome in the IPST!
And if you don't participate, you're welcome to explain why you don't want people to know what you do.
P.S. On the web, all artists are pixel-stained. If you're an artist celebrating IPST Day, whether your art is music or comics or sculpture or something that does not yet have a name, do add your link in the comments here or on Jo's site.
later: Corrected bad dates in this post.
even later: On second thought, no need to mention your link or your thoughts about IPST Day on this post. I wrote that request when I was thinking IPST Day was tomorrow. I'll try to remember to provide a post here next Sunday evening where people can list IPST Day celebrations.