Dec 31, 2008 13:17
A New Year - A New Beginning
I tried to think of what to title my entry, and I remember some TV show and someone mentioned a quote from the character Yoda from Star Wars, so I thought I would use it. 2008 is now ending and 2009 has yet to begin (though it has already begun for those not in the US). 2008 had indeed been an exciting year. Of course, being part of the LGBT community, there have been some ups and downs. The state of California in June recognized my constitutional right to marry, but then the people of California decided to write hate/homophobia/bigotry into the constitution (illegally by the way - which will be sorted out next year). We elected someone president, who many of us have high hopes for, and who I hope will recognize the great diservice that he has clearly chosen to do to us, and will make amends.
On my personal life, I have been single for a little over two years. Maybe this will be there year of commitment for me? I have had a very rough year on the dating front. Mostly because the guys I have dated don't want to commit. I've also found it quite disturbing that to me at least, there seems to be a lot of discrimination still going on within the LGBT community. In an effort for some minority groups to further their own inclusion within themselves, which I fully support, they have also begun to alienate others. I hope that that changes.
To all of you who may read this, I hope that you find success in all that you do, and that you will rise above the challeges that you may face.
I titled my entry with a quote from Yoda (star wars) and I'll end it with another: “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."