Feb 09, 2008 18:44
OK. To start off, I am making screen caps of the episodes, so I'll be posting those soon. But onto this episode. Of course, at the beginning of the episode, I am so excited that my future husbands, Adrian and Collin, are in first.... but as you know, things change quickly. And they did. All the teams were at the airport and trying to catch a flight to Capetown, South Africa. Wait, what was the name of this show again? Amazing Race Asia? Hmmm, I think I need to teach the producers of this show a brief introduction to geography. While the internet has helped my husbands gain their lead, it also has lead to their falling behind. They ran out of luck at the airport, but were able to get on the same flight as 2 other teams to make it a good race. Once they arrived in South Africa, they had to do the various tasks...etc. Leave it to Amazing Race (Asia or otherwise) to do something good. One of the tasks was to help paint some houses at this orphanage that has children who lost their parents to HIV and some of them are HIV+ themselves. I expected a bit more emotion, but I was happy to see the last place team, the moms, show their feelings. But in the end, it was Marc & Rovilson in first, with my future husbands, Adrian & Colling, coming in a close second. It's now down to the final leg. What sucks is that because I can only see the episode from an internet download, it usually doesn't show up online for 2 days later, and I won't check the website this time to see. So I'm so excited.