Amazing Race Asia Season 2 Episode 5 Update

Dec 22, 2007 15:05

Another mad rush ensues as teams scramble to take a taxi to the Congress Centre. With traffic to deal with, team placements start to shift again. Arriving at the centre, the first team to arrive makes a mad dash towards Allan, to their anticipated pitstop.  Anne & Diane, the dancing mothers fail to notice that Allan is standing there alone, without his usual entourage of a welcoming committee. Allan congratulates them, but drops a huge bombshell. This is not a pitstop and the race is still carrying on. Passing the next clue to the moms, Allan wishes them good luck.

So we don't know in what place the rest of the teams arrived at this "virtual pitstop".  So I guess I'll just have to leave you with a picture of the team that I am so hoping will win:

Adrian & Collin

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