~*Long Time*~

Dec 20, 2004 18:33

Well its been awhile since i've updated. Umm friday was the last day of school first day of Christmas break. Went to skool gave gifts it was fun. Umm Kim I hate you now! jk jk i love u :) So ya after skool went to Leannes house w/ Michelle, Kim, Leanne,Krista, and Katie. It was a lotta fun. Umm we built a gingerbread house!YA WE ARE AWESOME!!! So ya. We played SCENE IT for a little bit or as me and kim call it HAVE U SCENE IT? lol wow so ya. umm after that i had therapy so i left. Kim, Leanne, and her bro had an awesome time laughing at me when i was try to play the scene it game. So ya you had to like fill in the spaces and i guessed STRETCH CONNECTION and it was FRENCH CONNECTION lol wow that was one of my many retarted moments. lol. umm so ya sat. went to LA to get some more fabric for some blankets. IT was awesome I saw sooooo many people w/ YANKEE stuff!!!!!YAYA!!! So ya Sat. night it was off to the GRANILLOS for our yearly Christmas gathering. That was awesome and soooo much fun. So ya. Got there at like 5 left at 12. I came home finished watchin SAVED a very funny movie. after that it was off to bed. umm sunday slept till like 12 and then thats bout it. Oh ya i almost forgot i went to the mall w/ my sis and katie. that was fun. i was tryin to buy my sis' gift while she was w/ me i had to be all secretive even though the bag was like c through. lol. so ya took katie home came home and watched some t.v then went to bed. today was therapy and piano so not much. well thats it. umm oh ya SAMMMY: im so sry i couldnt make it hope it was gr8 and hope u got my text love ya!!!
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