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Dec 11, 2005 16:04

so...this weekend was reallt fun...very busy....friday came home from skool ok but first no on the way to the bus i slipped on the ice! lol and two freshman started laughing at me and i was alone becasue lindsey went to trinas so yea that sucked lol...ok anyways thwen at like 530 lindsey came and picked me up and as her mom backed outa mt driveway hit the mailbox lol but yea it was ok then we went to her hairappointment looks cute....after that went to the bowling ally to meet lauren, mark and bobby there btu then we didnt ened up bowling becaseye noone had money lol so then we jus went back to laurens and sat around and took like a million pictures lol it was wquite fun...then the next day i went home with lindsey and we decorated the tree and watched brooklyn lol theni fell alseep really easrly yea yea...then today we decorated her tree more but i kept dropping the ornaments lol not my fault i only broke one though lol...yea then we went to the mall and saw trinas other lover haha...the end
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